PrivateBin - Package Updates
- Update PrivateBin to 1.4.0
- Full changelog
- ADDED: Translations for Corsican, Estonian, Finnish and Lojban
- ADDED: new HTTP headers improving security (#765)
- ADDED: Download button for paste text (#774)
- ADDED: Opt-out of federated learning of cohorts (FLoC) (#776)
- ADDED: Configuration option to exempt IPs from the rate-limiter (#787)
- ADDED: Google Cloud Storage backend support (#795)
- ADDED: Oracle database support (#868)
- ADDED: Configuration option to limit paste creation and commenting to certain IPs (#883)
- ADDED: Set CSP also as meta tag, to deal with misconfigured webservers mangling the HTTP header
- ADDED: Sanitize SVG preview, preventing script execution in instance context
- CHANGED: Language selection cookie only transmitted over HTTPS (#472)
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: base-x 4.0.0, bootstrap 3.4.1 (JS), DOMpurify 2.3.6, ip-lib 1.18.0, jQuery 3.6.0, random_compat 2.0.21, Showdown 2.0.3 & zlib 1.2.12
- CHANGED: Removed automatic .ini configuration file migration (#808)
- CHANGED: Removed configurable dir for traffic & purge limiters (#419)
- CHANGED: Server salt, traffic and purge limiter now stored in the storage backend (#419)
- CHANGED: Drop support for attachment download in IE
- FIXED: Error when attachments are disabled, but paste with attachment gets displayed
- Update PrivateBin to 1.5.0
- Update Cloudron base image to 4.0.0
- Full changelog
- ADDED: script for data storage backend migrations (#1012)
- ADDED: Translations for Turkish, Slovak, Greek and Thai
- ADDED: S3 Storage backend (#994)
- ADDED: Jdenticons as an option for comment icons (#793)
- CHANGED: Avoid SUPER privilege for setting the sql_mode for MariaDB/MySQL (#919)
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 2.4.6, jQuery 3.6.1, Showdown 2.1.0 & zlib 1.2.13
- FIXED: Revert to CREATE INDEX without IF NOT EXISTS clauses, to support MySQL (#943)
- FIXED: Apply table prefix to indexes as well, to support multiple instances sharing a single database (#943)
- FIXED: YOURLS integration via new proxy, storing signature in configuration (#725)
- Update PrivateBin to 1.5.1
- Full changelog
- ADDED: script for administrative tasks: deleting pastes (#274), removing empty directories (#277), purging expired pastes (#276) & statistics (#319)
- FIXED: Revert Filesystem purge to limited and randomized lookup (#1030)
- FIXED: Catch JSON decode errors when invalid data gets sent to the API (#1030)
- FIXED: Support sorting v1 format in mixed version comments in Filesystem backend (#1030)
- Update PrivateBin to 1.5.2
- Full changelog
- ADDED: Allow AWS SDK to use default credential provider chain for S3Storage (#1070)
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.0.4 & jQuery 3.7.0
- FIXED: Addressed PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings (#1092)
- FIXED: Expose types JSON-LD incl. configured expiration dates (#1045)
- Update PrivateBin to 1.7.0
- Full changelog
- ADDED: Translations for Romanian
- ADDED: Detect and report on damaged pastes (#1218)
- CHANGED: Ask for confirmation, before loading burn after reading pastes (#1237)
- CHANGED: Focus on password input in modal dialog
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.0.8 & zlib 1.3.1
- FIXED: Support more types of valid URLs for shorteners, incl. IDN ones (#1224)
- FIXED: Email timezone buttons overlapping in some languages (#1039)
- FIXED: Changing language mangles URL (#1191)
- FIXED: Needless reload when visiting default URL
- Update PrivateBin to 1.7.2
- Full changelog
- ADDED: Allow use of shortenviayourls in query parameters (#1267)
- ADDED: Input sanitation to some not yet filtered query and server parameters
- ADDED: Optional Bootstrap CSS 5.3.3 based template, use configuration template = "bootstrap5" to switch to it (#728)
- CHANGED: "Send" button now labeled "Create" (#946)
- CHANGED: Drop some PHP < 5.6 fallbacks, minimum version is PHP 7.3 as of release 1.6.0
- CHANGED: Set lang cookie with lax SameSite property
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.1.2 (#1299) & jQuery 3.7.1
- CHANGED: create attribute is no longer returned in API for pastes & can be disabled for comments using discussiondatedisplay as well (#1290)
- FIXED: Add cache control headers also to API calls (#1263)
- FIXED: Shortened paste URL does not appear in email (#606)
- Update PrivateBin to 1.7.3
- Full changelog
- CHANGED: Various tweaks of the bootstrap5 template, suggested by the community
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.1.3
- FIXED: Selected expiration not being applied, when using bootstrap template (#1309)
- Update PrivateBin to 1.7.4
- Full changelog
- Enable multi domain support via aliases
- Update PrivateBin to 1.7.5
- Full Changelog
- ADDED: Allow non persistent SQL connections, if configured (#1394)
- ADDED: Show a button (that redirects to the
URL) inside the alert after a paste is deleted - CHANGED: Tweaked page footer of the
template (#1392) - CHANGED: Simpler PostgreSQL table lookup query (#1361)
- CHANGED: SRI hashes are now configurable, no longer hardcoded in templates (#1365)
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.1.7, ip-lib 1.18.1, cloud-storage 1.43.0, aws-sdk-php 3.325.0
- FIXED: Numeric array keys being cast to integer causing failures under strict type checking (#1435)
- Update PrivateBin to 1.7.6
- Full Changelog
- ADDED: Ability to copy the paste by clicking the copy icon button or using the keyboard shortcut ctrl+c/cmd+c (#1390 & #12)
- CHANGED: Allow toggling tab-key-support using
in textarea for keyboard navigation (#1386) - CHANGED: Switched to WASM streaming and replace unsafe-eval with wasm-unsafe-eval CSP declaration (#1464), requires webserver to have
MIME type configured. - CHANGED: Replaced usage of strpos with str_starts_with & str_contains (#1373)
- CHANGED: Added polyfill libraries for ctype, str_starts_with & str_contains functions (#1476)
- CHANGED: Turned paste delete link into a button (#266)
- CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.2.4, cloud-storage 1.45.0, aws-sdk-php 3.336.2
template UI improvements - FIXED: Redirect to the home page after changing the language (#92)