osTicket - Package Updates
You can use this thread to track updates to the osTicket package.
Please open issues in a separate topic instead of replying here.
- Add forumUrl
- Make php.ini customizable via
- Allow user-managed plugins
Thanks a lot to @jimcavoli for providing the merge request to allow user-manager plugins https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/osticket-app/-/merge_requests/1
- Update osTicket to 1.14.3
- Full changelog
- inline: RichText Fields View First (d8ff946, a97ddba)
- print: Update Icons and Add Titles (be18e46)
- issue: Update Print Options Icons/Text/Title (b4cd46a)
- refactor: Help Topic Status Refresh (2dee16b)
- Adding translation to the dashboard plot labels. (ebfd68b)
- Issue: Language Verification (a1e9342)
- Update osTicket to 1.14.4
- Full changelog
- forms: Pseudo-random name for Dynamicforms on POST (077d26f)
- Authcode: Ticket Access Link (043c3fe)
- redactor: Upgrade to version 3.4.5 (e593c5c, 9102240, e471132)
- Auth: Client Create Request (c3c01d3, 43e07c2)
- Update osTicket to 1.15
- Full changelog
- Change dept_id and priority_id fron tinyint to int (e54f6f3)
- csrf: Add ability to rotate token (36e614c)
- Feature: Agent/Department Visibility (5fbd762, e4346d2, 4ad7e95, 49b2f1b, 46033d1, 3a8ea4b, 6eae7e6, f306ce8, 6fdc111, 4489b2f, 7f0602a, 484023d, 3722fc5, 6425146, 9902ac2, 07b2373, ca81176, 4e86313)
- db: Latest Indexes (da2fd37, 2731074, c359d12, ea09373, 4c9968b)
- SLA Plan Search Field (0fd63b4)
- 2FA Backends (5dd0a34, 4ef752c, cff12f7, ea86103, 4b6bc73, a1b7826, 3f08e62, 9d46c84, 8f4fe18)
- Password Policy Revisited (e1aba7c, 744676b)
- Update osTicket to 1.15.1
- Full changelog
- placeholder: Quote and encode html chars (0056d14)
- Set TRUSTED_PROXIES config variable so that reverse proxy vars are respected
- Fix issue where the mail from address was not update correctly
- Update base image to v3
- Update osTicket to 1.15.2
- Full changelog
- Issue: Visibility Permissions (8da9da3)
- Depts Visibility (fe37ae2)
- Issue: Task Inline Transfer (e43d6bf)
- xss: FormAction Attribute (8d956e0)
- xss: onerror Property (25e6d12)
- Fix buggy cron task
- Update osTicket to
- Update osTicket to 1.15.4
- Improvements
- Issue: Delete Referrals (790c0e6)
- Show "-Empty-" value for empty due dates in ticket view (64712eb)
- Issue: Audit Closed Ticket Events (311a600)
- Security
- security: PwReset Username and Username Discoverability (e282910, 86165c2)
- security: SSRF External Images (1c6f98e)
- xss: Stored XSS/Domain Whitelist Bypass (4b4da5b)
- security: Recipient Injection via User's Name (7c5c584)
- xss: Advanced Search (4a8d3c8)
- xss: Tasks (b01c6a2)
- Update base image to 3.2.0
- Update osTicket to 1.16.1
- Update PHP to 8.0
- Full changelog
- Update osTicket to 1.16.2
- Full changelog
- Issue: Topic->getHelpTopics() don't return localized names when $allData = true (a078a0f)
- class.email: allow empty smtp_passwd when existing (0d0d8a1)
- Fixes permission issue when registration mode ist disabled (dee6a13)
- email: use correct e-mail formatting (7692637)
- Fix HTML syntax in thread view (84913f5)
- Update osTicket to 1.16.3
- Full changelog
- installer: Help Topic Disabled Fields (81e99fe)
- Do not autocomplete new access fields of the (another) user (0263369)
- issue: mPDF Table Print (38c0979)
- Make string localizable (4cc509b, 612183c)
- Update osTicket to 1.17.0
- Full changelog
- Email management has changed and is now left to the user to configure as multiple mail accounts on- or off-Cloudron may be used
- email: Set Default Email Message Encoding to UTF-8 (4656cf4, 8954f05)
- plugins: Multi-Instance Blacklist (5607751)
- mailer: Reset FROM Address when SMTP fails (75605a3)
- Issue: File Storage Plugins Blacklist (1ba8d37)
- mail: Catch Possible Exceptions and Errors (81d5cb3)
- Update class.mail.php (d5545b4)
- Mail Fetcher Fixes (1eebcd6, 3decbe7)
- 1.17.x Bug Fixes (6c2ecad, 5d799ec, 21e3a40)
- plugins: Make Plugins Upgradeable Again! (80bcc19)
- mailer: Skip Invalid Email Recipients (046f432, 551f786, d7d37c4)
- issue: Wrong Variable Order (12a4cb0)
- mailer: Skip Missing Attachment Files (2218aac)
- fetcher: TicketDenied Exception + Throwable (58f64e6, 7920914, e027dcc, be178da)
- files: Catch possible Storage Backends Errors (e685636)
- fetcher: Fail Safely on Email Parse Error (459520e)
- forms: Add getNotice func. to DynamicFormEntry (6e54e81)
- bug: Users Password Policy (ebfc1d8)
- v1.17 Misc. Fixes (d149ea0)
- plugins: Make Plugin Base Class Play Nice (7b26f66, 5787f9a, 3163972)