Firewall / Spamassassin: Automatic list update
Thanks again!
I just tried this - it generatedmerged_list_20240110_091244.txt
but somehow, thetemp_data.txt
is not generated, and therefore the upload is not successful?BTW, here's your script with english comments and filenames:
#!/bin/bash # Current date and time current_datetime=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") # Array containing the URLs of the IP lists and their descriptions declare -a urls=( ",Spamhaus - Drop" ",Spamhaus - eDrop" ",AF - Afganistan" ",BD - Bangladesh" ",BY - Belarus" ",BR - Brazil" ",CN - China" ",IR - Iran" ",IN - India" ",KP - North Korea" ",NP - Nepal" ",PK - Pakistan" ",RO - Romania" ",RU - Russia" ",SG - Singapore" ",SY - Syria" ",TR - Turkey" ",UA - Ukraine" ",VN - Vietnam" ",AF - Afganistan" ",BD - Bangladesh" ",BY - Belarus" ",BR - Brazil" ",CN - China" ",IR - Iran" ",IN - India" ",NP - Nepal" ",PK - Pakistan" ",RO - Romania" ",RU - Russia" ",SG - Singapore" ",SY - Syria" ",TR - Turkey" ",UA - Ukraine" ",VN - Vietnam" ) # File name with the current date and time output_file="merged_list_${current_datetime}.txt" # Download and merge the IP lists for url_info in "${urls[@]}" do # Splitting the URL information IFS=',' read -r url description <<< "$url_info" # Add comment with the URL and description echo "# URL: $url" >> "$output_file" echo "# Description: $description" >> "$output_file" echo "Download IP list from $url" # Download the IP list and add it to the file curl -sS "$url" >> "$output_file" done echo "Merge completed! The merged list is stored in $output_file" # Formatting the file for the Cloudron Blocklist API formatted_file="formatted_$output_file" # # Add "\n" to the end of each line awk '{printf "%s\\n",$0}' "$output_file" > "$formatted_file" # Cloudron Blocklist API endpoint cloudron_api_endpoint="" # API Key for authentication (replace 'your-api-key' with your API key) api_key="your-api-key" # Upload to Cloudron Blocklist API with wget echo "# Upload to Cloudron Blocklist API with wget..." # The data in the required format for the API data="{\"blocklist\":\"$(cat "$formatted_file" | tr '\n' '\\n')\"}" # Send the file with a POST request via wget echo "$data"> temp_data.txt wget --method=POST --header="Content-Type: application/json" --header="Authorization: Bearer $api_key" --body-file=temp_data.txt "$cloudron_api_endpoint" --quiet --output-document=output.txt # Show the output of wget cat output.txt # Delete temporary files rm temp_data.txt
Sorry for the Dutch language in the script, ChatGPT is wonderfully writing Dutch without asking haha.
Strange it doesn't seem to work, I extended the script later to upload it in one run to 3 different Cloudrons and that also works perfect. The part of creating the
is exactly the same.- Do you see the prompt "# Upload to Cloudron Blocklist API with wget..."?
- What happens after that prompt is showed?
- It takes with these lists about 1,5 minute (on a AMD EPYC 7702P 64-Core Processor with 32GB memory) to process it via API so you have to have some patience
(This is however exactly the same time like when you use the copy/paste in the GUI).
- After the script is finished the
is deleted, did the script ever finished? - I execute the script in a LAMP app (on one of the Cloudrons) with only 256MB memory
- last maybe a stupid question but you've set the API token to "read/write"?
I just executed the script (my 3 Cloudrons version) en after about 5 minutes all 3 Cloudrons had the new lists with 60562 IPs (ranges) blocked.
I executed the script with
instead ofbash
- after doing the latter it worked!
Thanks again.BTW the
only contains{}
...? -
I executed the script with
instead ofbash
- after doing the latter it worked!
Thanks again.BTW the
only contains{}
...?@necrevistonnezr said in Firewall / Spamassassin: Automatic list update:
after doing the latter it worked
aha ok, I always use
also with me contains no data, as I read the script the right way it should contain errors duringwget
I have used this script now viacron
and everything seems to work fine, including a significant reduction of "denied" mail attempts in the mail log.I've added the following lines to keep the last 20 url lists, compressed with 7z (which I prefer for compression), for analysis (if needed):
7z a -mx9 "${current_datetime}.7z" "formatted_$output_file" rm "formatted_$output_file" rm "$output_file" ls -td *.7z | grep -v '/$' | tail -n +20 | while IFS= read -r f; do rm -f "$f"; do>
Also: If you use the script, don't just blindly add url-lists. I already managed to lock myself out once by adding the "standard" Firehol list (
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With @imc67 permission, I created a community guide from this thread...
... thought I got a "Failed pipeline for master | 3dbdac62" notification...
With @imc67 permission, I created a community guide from this thread...
@necrevistonnezr link to the guide, pretty please!
@necrevistonnezr I was looking in the forum
Thank you!