Minio not Use /app/data
Suggestion - I've moved my minio to a volume (so not using /app/data for anything except
The app itself is find with that (assuming permissions are good). However, the start file and the minio-credentials helper tools don't really like things not being /app/data/data.Suggestion would be to leverage that ARGS path in for everything where paths are set down.
@doodlemania2 Is the reason to do this to avoid backing up minio?
@doodlemania2 Right, also see . We will try to fix the backup issue somehow instead of making minio use volumes.
@girish It's no problem - just a tad bit of overhead and I use the S3 for other backups anyways.
Yeah, the volumes work great - in my instance it looks like this:
-External hard drive via USB3 hooked to physical box
-Hard drive volume created on physical box with an 8 TB VHDX on there.
-8TB VHDX passed through to Cloudron VM
-Cloudron VM mounts it as an xfs target
-Pass mount (the /mnt requirement tripped me up but is smart to require it) to Cloudron
-Mount volume into Minio container (/media/backuptarget)
-Reconfigure minio to default to /media/backuptarget instead of /app/data/data
BOOM(The last bit is why minio CLI's fuss cause /app/data/data is hardcoded in a few places).