Cloudron Appstore not working
When I click on Appstore the loading screen stays loading forever. In settings, it is telling me to setup account but when I click it, it stays on the loading screen again.
A couple more informations would be helpful. What Cloudron version are you using? What server/VPS provider and/or hardware are you using?
Also what happens if you try to add (register) the account at the Cloudron settings page?
Cloudron 6.0.1
Hetzner CPX11When I clicked register got redirected to AppStore and was stuck again on the loading screen. Restarted multiple times now its working again.
Cloudron 6.0.1
Hetzner CPX11When I clicked register got redirected to AppStore and was stuck again on the loading screen. Restarted multiple times now its working again.
@cyberfreakde just to be on the same page, you have installed a Cloudron and now if you click on the app store view you see a login/register view and submitting that never succeeds?
@nebulon The problem is fixed now. I was just not able to go in the AppStore view. It only showed the loading circle. And on settings, it told me to add a new account. The Cloudron was running for 1 month and all setup completed.