Disc snapshots
Can someone add the hcloud from hetzner.com to the backups page /#/backups ?
For example, 3 backups weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays always and retain 9 backups at a time.
Product being used: https://www.hetzner.com/cloud
The api: https://github.com/hetznercloud/cli
Location for users when retrieving: https://console.hetzner.cloud/projects/11111/servers/11111/snapshots
What it is: an instant 2minute backup of the disc as it isand then retrieve the backup and mount it back within 2minute again
Cost: €0.012/GB/month (comes to about 12 cents per month for 10 GB of data for example)
This cloudron VPS backup from the screenshot costs me 0.04 USD per month.
Have 30 backups (30 days running) and you pay 1.20 USD per month
now that's what i call real backups
Disk snapshots or VPS snapshots don't work well with Cloudron, since backups are per-app and not per-server on Cloudron. This is to be able to rollback/restore individual apps without interfering with the system or other apps running on it.
Still for a secondary fallback backup solution this can still be recommended.
Disk snapshots also carry the risk that they could have inconsistent data, such as database states not yet fully flushed to disk.
Unless your application is aware that a snapshot will be created, and makes proper measures, a snapshot is basically the equivalent of pulling the power plug and hoping the server will be functional once you reconnect power.
@mikulabc I'm also using Hetzner and every now and then I power down and create a snapshot just as an extra backup. I actually backup to a Hetzner Storage Box (I was initially using the cloud volumes but once backups are larger than 72GB Storage Boxes are much cheaper)
Hetzner Cloud snapshoot can be an additional measure in case of total backup failover, but as @fbartels said, snapshoot could have inconsistent data and generate corrupted instance when recovery-restart.
Snapshotting an instance can be an extreme way to recovery data. Of course, cannot be the first and the right way to make a restore. If you use that feature to make it cheaper I think is not a good way to approach problem.
As @jdaviescoates said, you can purchase a Box from Hetzner and configure an extra backup, mounting CIFS directory. But also this procedure can have some risks in case of a total failover of Hetzner datacenter or connection. Best practice is to use a different provider or datacenter.
(Now I'm testing Wasabi and seems to be fast, stable and reliable, but I'm scared about privacy policy management: maybe for some configuration mistake data directory can be exposed).
Question is: @mikulabc why you want to use Snapshotting feature? To be cheap?