Spamhaus blocking nanoleaf emails (they use sendgrid)?
Is there any way around this?
I could use another email but I feel that defeats the purpose of going self hosted. Anyways I could contact sendgrid or spamhaus but I am pessimistic about anything changing
Never mind... looks like they resolved the issue with it being blocked. That being said I guess my question still stands about whitelisting or an exception list
@nebulon Correct
Never mind... looks like they resolved the issue with it being blocked. That being said I guess my question still stands about whitelisting or an exception list
@atrilahiji Can you open a whitelisting feature request? Currently, we already have a block list , so I guess we can also add a white listing mechanism.
@atrilahiji Can you open a whitelisting feature request? Currently, we already have a block list , so I guess we can also add a white listing mechanism.
@girish Will do