"wreeto", note and ideas management app
«wreeto is a cluttered-free knowledge management toolset that effectively organises your notes and ideas»
Wreeto is an open source note-taking, knowledge management and wiki system built on top of Ruby on Rails framework. Initially this was built because I didn't like the note-taking apps out there and I wanted something simple, structured and straightforward, with no bells and whistles.
They have an open source package:
I've tried packaging this but right now I'm stuck at initializing the database.
Getting the following error:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "xxx", user "yyy", database "postgres", SSL off
Anyone got an idea?
On github they state they need PostgreSQL 11 but if I'm not mistaken cloudron uses v12? Maybe its just incompatible?
@klawitterb you may be better off asking over in App Packaging and Development https://forum.cloudron.io/category/96/app-packaging-development
@klawitterb Most likely the postgres credentials that are provided to the app are not correct. If you have a link to your repo, I can check if it's anything obvious.
@girish here's the repo https://git.apehost.de/cloudron-apps/cloudron-wreeto
I'm using the env variables provided by the postgresql addon so I'd assume the pw to be correct.
@klawitterb Was just looking into this. I got the error below:
/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: The called method `add_modifier' is defined here FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "userc706387f5cfe4f9aa99a6aa545bc6fbd", database "postgres", SSL off Couldn't create 'dbc706387f5cfe4f9aa99a6aa545bc6fbd' database. Please check your configuration. rake aborted! PG::ConnectionBad: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "userc706387f5cfe4f9aa99a6aa545bc6fbd", database "postgres", SSL off
On Cloudron, the database is already created, I guess we have to figure how to make it not create the db.
I got a bit farther but something wrong when loading assets -
@klawitterb I pushed my progress here - https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/wreeto-app/ . It runs now but I cannot seem to get it load the assets. Neither can I login with the default username and password. Maybe you have better luck
BTW, if you have access on our gitlab, I can give you access to the repo. In which case, please give me your handle. Of course, feel free to take the changes and continue in yours.
@klawitterb ah brilliant. I didn't know rails does not serve public files in production mode. I managed to get it to work as well.
Indeed, it has no multi-user yet but seems OK for a single user. Apparently, you can create more users like https://github.com/chrisvel/wreeto_official#52-create-a-new-account-rails-console (but looks like the users have no connection to one another. no sharing etc)