Jul 22 10:37:23 Starting SickChill... Jul 22 10:37:23 Checking poetry Jul 22 10:37:23 Current environment is not writable! Jul 22 10:37:23 Source dir is not writable by this user either, we cannot continue: f/app/code/sickchill Jul 22 10:37:25 Starting SickChill... Jul 22 10:37:25 Checking poetry Jul 22 10:37:25 Current environment is not writable! Jul 22 10:37:25 Source dir is not writable by this user either, we cannot continue: f/app/code/sickchill
Sickchill is sometimes tricky ...
@mehdi you would have to restore to the previous version or if you don't have any old backups, alternately "update" to an older version, in-place with
cloudron update --app <yourappdomain.com> --appstore-id io.github.sickchill.cloudronapp@1.3.0
Have to investigate how the release was able to get published indeed.
I learnt a few things about the python world as part of fixing this:
There is now something called poetry. Projects now contain a poetry.toml file which can be converted into a requirements.txt using
poetry export --format requirements.txt > requirements.txt
. -
There is something called an "editable install" - https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0660/ . Idea being you can just run the code and the code just "installs" away packages as needed. See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0660/#id5 .
pyproject.toml is some new project settings file that possibly replaces setup.py
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