Host content to be accessed via QR code
No.I set up my page with Mautic (not Maurice :D) or what ever (LAMP/Wordpress/Drupal yada yada) which has the content.
Then I create a kutt short url for the content I want to have as a QR-Code.The kutt short url is the QR-Code, this way I can always update the kutt target and the QR-Code stays the same.
Example: guess what it links now to the forum.
and the QR-Code for that URL is:Now I can update the target URL of to what ever I want and the QR-Code stays the same.
Now I will set the target to my forum profile.
QR-Code stays the same, since its the same url.Have fun scanning
Watch out for the open registration for kutt, after creating your users disable the registration, otherwise spammers can use your kutt.