How do I know which docker bind mount is problematic for docker?
I'm trying to setup the woodpecker-ci on my cloudron system. The server portion is working fine but I keep getting this error in woodpecker:
{"level":"warn","repo":"cloudron/woodpecker-ci","build":"8","id":"22","error":"rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Proc finished with exitcode 1, Error response from daemon: {\"status\":\"Bad Request\",\"message\":\"Binds must be under /app/data/\"}","time":"2022-10-22T15:02:14Z","message":"cancel signal received"}
\The message is perfectly clear, but since I don't know very much about the inner workings of woodpecker, I actually don't know which volume it's trying to mount. Is there a way to find out it's trying to bind mount so that I can fix it?
@nebulon Thanks! I found what I was looking for in the logs.
It looks like it created a volume and then tried to mount it,
Original bind mounts: [ '0_3474360222739265561_default:/woodpecker' ]
Would it be possible to allow docker volumes created in that docker context to be mounted?
It is not difficult to find the problematic docker if you look at the log. You can also use a monitoring service that will detect problems automatically and notify you.