Connecting to server Guacamole is hosted on
Hi All --
This is very likely a stupid question, but can Guacamole be used to connect to the server I'm hosting it/Cloudron on? I can't get it working, telling me the server is unreachable. I've tried using both VNC and SSH to connect to the FQDL, and the localhost IP. No dice. What am I doing wrong?
I would open a Web terminal and then try to just ssh connect to the configuration you are trying to use inside guacamole. Does that work ? Note that localhost will 100% not work because in Cloudron, apps are totally isolated from the host. Each app is a separate container in it's own networking space. I would try the public IP of the server for a start and see if that connects.
I would open a Web terminal and then try to just ssh connect to the configuration you are trying to use inside guacamole. Does that work ? Note that localhost will 100% not work because in Cloudron, apps are totally isolated from the host. Each app is a separate container in it's own networking space. I would try the public IP of the server for a start and see if that connects.
@girish Thanks for the response. I've tried the public IP. Using that (no https:// ) and the port number, I'm getting "Connected to Guacamole. Waiting for a response..." Feels like progress, but I'm not sure. Using SSH and not pre-filling credentials gives me an SSH-looking login prompt but hangs after I enter a username. I'll keep tinkering.
Did you try the ssh cli in the web terminal?
@Ropyro I should also make myself clearer
The issue could be:
- There is some general networking issue for the container to reach the host.
- There is some issue with guacamole
I wanted to make sure the first one is not the issue. This is why I want you to try to ssh from the webterminal and check if it can connect to the host. If that works, we can continue debugging guacamole.
Just tested this on my server and step 1 works.
root@7d28b411-7ff9-418c-9160-e411ff6854fa:/app/code# ssh root@<public-ip> The authenticity of host 'xx (xx)' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:JOmkkrWBmVtg+Cyml16Z7RS3xv5T/YvPNVCojA2xmoM. This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Could not create directory '/root/.ssh' (Read-only file system). Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/root/.ssh/known_hosts). root@xxxx: Permission denied (publickey).
(So, atleast it connects).
Actually, guacamole just works to connect to the host: