ERROR [MediaService] Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1: Unrecognized option 'fps_mode'.
Thanks to admin-cli, I was able to restore my administrator account.
Since my videos wouldn't play in the browser, I tried different video encoding settings. Long story short: each value generates the same error in the logs:ERROR [MediaService] Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1: Unrecognized option 'fps_mode
".`I didn't find anything in the immich issue queue. Do you think it is a bug in the app package?
The way to go:
for my tests, i switched the transcode policy toall videos
(admin -> settings -> ffmpeg settings
admin -> settings -> Jobs -> TRANSCODE VIDEOS press All
Switch to Cloudron -> App -> Logfiles
Looks like it might need a more recent ffmpeg. See (immich required this flag in
They use ffmpeg from the jellyfin project - (ffmpeg 6 it seems -
wohoo ♡
Aug 09 17:31:00 [Nest] 33 - 08/09/2023, 3:30:59 PM LOG [MediaService] Start encoding video 0c25a2b6-25f6-45ef-a94c-8b6ec626907a {"inputOptions":[],"outputOptions":["-vcodec vp9","-acodec aac","-movflags faststart","-fps_mode passthrough","-v verbose","-cpu-used 5","-row-mt 1","-b:v 0","-minrate 0","-maxrate 0"],"twoPass":true} Aug 09 17:31:45 [Nest] 33 - 08/09/2023, 3:31:45 PM LOG [MediaService] Encoding success 0c25a2b6-25f6-45ef-a94c-8b6ec626907a