Make IPv6 optional per app / domain
If IPv6 is configured in the network settings it applies to all apps and all domains so when setting up a new app it cannot be installed if the domain or subdomain doesn't have an AAAA record. It would be desirable to set the IP at the app and/or domain level.
We have a use case where the DNS provider for certain domains does not eneble AAAA records to be set up (don't ask!) meaning the domains are unusable in Cloudron if IPv6 is active.
Or maybe just disable the checks for the IPv6 address as long as an IPv4 address resolves?
G girish moved this topic from Support on
I will move this to feature request. The IPv6 setting is currently global and so far there was no reason to make this app level. Quite strange AAAA records cannot be set in 2023 ! If there is a technical reason for this, it would be good to know.
No technical reason as far as I can tell, just apparently no interest on the part of the provider! It is probably a very infrequent need and in our case this only affects a subdomain of one domain that is currently hosted by the same provider of the DNS. Ultimately the website will be moved but I need the subdomain for staging.