thx, @girish, this made the difference, I'm in now
I've been trying admin with pw changeme, not admin@cloudron.local
login not possible after fresh install of documize -
login not possible after fresh install of documizeI installed documize and try to login using the credentials from the "first time using" doc, as well as a cloudron user - login however is not possible, the trace shows a 401 "Unauthorized" on this target URL: https://documize.mycloudron.domain/api/public/authenticate/ldap
Ideas, anyone?
cloudron ssl behind fritz!box@nebulon
as said, there's no real problem right now, still I don't understand the behaviour and am're talking about accessing the Cloudron through entering the IP (192.168.x.y) in the browser?
It's clear that this wouldn't work and this is not what I'm doing, it's a little more complicated:
- the PC I'm accessing from, is in the same network segment than the cloudron (192.168.x.z).
- OpenVPN is active, the OpenVPN service is on a second cloudron outside in the internet
- still, when entering the URL (https://my.domain.*), the fritzbox page shows
- as soon as I connect the PC to a different network segment (192.168.y.z) everything works!
I don't understand why. Shouldn't the use of external VPN service make the internal source IP invisible?
cloudron ssl behind fritz!boxthx for everybody's inputs and sorry for my delay - took some time testing, and here's my wrap-up.
on the Fritzbox
- external access is deactivated in two places: remote administration, FB "Fritz!Box-Dienste", application access ("Heimnetz, Netzwerkeinstellungen")
- the Cloudron is configured as an "exposed host"
- DynDNS is configured and working correctly, the provider is
- DNS rebind protection: exemptions configured for the Cloudron ("my.*"), as well as for the apps running on the Cloudron
as a result, access from internet IPs works and the Cloudron as well as all apps are reachable.
Still, if accessed from a computer within Fritzbox-Network (192.168.x.y), neither app, nor the Cloudron respond. Instead, the already mentioned Fritzbox access page shows.
So it's not perfect, but usable and my question is answered.
cloudron ssl behind fritz!box@subven said in cloudron ssl behind fritz!box:
You said you do not use a DNS provider
not one of the "automated" ones like Cloudflare but Cloudron's "custom" way. but of course, the domain is registered
- no, I'm not using myfritz,
- I tested both configurations regarding the remote maintenance function, make fritzbox accessible from outside and not - this did not change anything.
- yes, the cloudron is on a fixed IP
cloudron ssl behind fritz!box@nebulon yes, had read that in another thread before, and still it doesn't work in my case - no idea why not.
- The cloudron is the one and only exposed host on the fritzbox
- the dyndns-service seems to work properly: the ip there is regularly updated, and the ip is correct.
- connection through SSH using the external IP as well works.
Only when trying to access the cloudron UI through "", all browsers I tested (firefox, edge, opera, brave) throw "insecure connection", and the certificate presented is the self-signed one of the fritzbox.
I had been wondering if naming plays a role. @nebulon, you did not by chance change the fritzbox's name from the default "" to sth else?
cloudron ssl behind fritz!box@subven said in cloudron ssl behind fritz!box:
As a german, I know what a FritzBox is I think you're still at the wrong path since the exposed host exactly does what it should and the webserver of the Fritzbox does not interfer there.
There is enough information within this thread to fix your problem.- there were others asking, please excuse if I am wasting your valuable time with text that you deem not appropriate
- is it visible/ does it matter you're German?
- apparently, the webserver of the Fritzbox does interfere, as the fritzbox certificate is presented when accessing the page through a browser. This precisely does not make much sense to me either, but I don't understand how and why this happens.
@subven said in cloudron ssl behind fritz!box:
Cloudron does not work without a domain you own or at least can controle.
As said before, the domain is registered and I do control the DNS
cloudron ssl behind fritz!box@nebulon and one more question: when accessing the cloudron using the internal ip (, it says "you are seeing this page ... no apps configured for this domain." This is normal, isn't it? the certificate presented here is the self signed one (default.cert). I thought this as well is expected behaviour and does not mean that Let's Encrypt cert renewal doesn't work. Is that right?
cloudron ssl behind fritz!box@nebulon (and @girish, @subven): fritzbox is a dsl modem that can be accessed from "outside". as @nebulon mentioned, machines from the internal network can be exposed (which is what I did). if the machine is accessed through https however, the first certificate presented seems to be that of the modem, which by standard is a self-signed one, and not accepted by browsers. It however is possible to manually upload other certs to the modem (see this doc). I don't use any DNS provider, a custom setup, the domain is registered and forwarding works properly through looking at the nginx certs within /yellowtent/platformdata, their timestamp seems to be update each day - and I assume that this is a sign that cert renewal from the cloudron works, right?
cloudron ssl behind fritz!boxDear all
one of my cloudrons is behind a fritzbox in a personal (sub-) domain. Although dyndns is set and working correctly, the cloudron isn't accessible:
- connection through ip from inside (192.168.x.y) is possible, but the cloudron obviously has no apps installed in this domain.
- connection through the domain name fails, because the fritzbox cert presented is self signed and does not include the domain name. Then, I found the (Let's Encrypt?) certificates for the cloudron platform in /home/yellowtent/platformdata/nginx/cert, intending to manually upload it to the fritzbox. This didn't work. The reason, I assume, is that fritzbox is expecting RSA private keys and does not accept EC keys. Am I missing out anything?
How can I make available the cloudron domain certificate to the fritzbox?
Any other ideas?Best
Andreas -
Nextcloud App "not responding" after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04@girish thx for your support, rebuilding the containers did the job: after restarting, both Redis + NC are up and running again!
Nextcloud App "not responding" after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04@ApplegateR didn't read that anywhere. Let me know if you'd like some information from that machine. If not, I will go back to the snapshot in that case later today.
Nextcloud App "not responding" after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04@girish Cloudron 7.2.4
Nextcloud App "not responding" after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04Dear Cloudron Team
upgrading the instance from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 following the corresponding tutorial worked as described. Since then however, Nextcloud App shows "not responding", apparently because the corresponding Redis Service doesn't start either. I tried restarting NC + Redis independently, as well as rebooting the server, all without success. I as well increased memory limit to Redis and put the service in "recovery mode". This without visible effect. The redis log shows the following message repeatedly:
Jun 22 21:02:25 cat: /sys/fs/cgroup/memory.max: No such file or directory
Any ideas, anybody?
Confluence Cloud?@girish thx, Girish. So you do not have more or different information than I have, I reckon. So let's wait and see.
Confluence Cloud?Dear Cloudron Team
as you might know, Atlassian announced earlier this year to discontinue "on premise" products: this as well be the end of the Confluence App on Cloudron?