@cdrm Per https://github.com/documize/community/blob/20fb853907c75bd287af92923c3abbfee2b4a97d/core/database/scripts/mysql/db_00000.sql#L12 the database can accommodate 500 length . But since it's hashed, maybe that length is overflowing . Can you contact upstream and let us know what they say? They don't seem to have a public issue tracker but you can write to them at https://github.com/documize/community?tab=readme-ov-file#producttechnical-support
@NCKNE existing package seems fairly stable. For community+ have to look into how they handle licensing. If you can try out by editing the current package and give us some feedback, we can fast track it (but haven't seen much demand for community+ otherwise).
@alex-a-soto yeah, it's best to just have two separate installations - one for each use case, I think. The single tenant option works well and is stable.
Otherwise, you have to become very comfortable with the database schema of Documize (and who knows what breaks going forward).