For the record, since the communication on this went private.
The issue was solved by manual intervention.
I have two takeaway messages:
If mysql doesn't come back up, it is possible to
remove /home/yellowtent/platformdata/mysql
(this is where the mysql addon stores it's data) and restart the box code using systemctl restart box
(Do this from outside the mysql container) This is apparently non-destructive.
This fixed the first machine which hung up as it ran out of disk space (and this didn't change as space was freed up again)
- Do not upgrade box or any app while there's not plenty (5 Gig perhaps) of free space. It seems as if cloudron apps can get stuck in a bad state when space runs out while doing system things [DB migration, backups, updates] (I hope this is correct)
- Monitor space closely, it's cheaper to buy more than to end up fixing a stuck setup...