I am a noob and havent tried it yet since i dont know how to install it on regular server but from looking at the demo i think it will help in our non profit when we recruit new volunteers
I am a noob and havent tried it yet since i dont know how to install it on regular server but from looking at the demo i think it will help in our non profit when we recruit new volunteers
I have a fresh deployment, i configured gmail properly and all tests are passed, it fetched the emails and i can reply to the email ticket and it goes through
The issue is when i make a new user and invite them, they dont get the email
Any ideas?
Just deployed it with my new cloudron account, i clicked the login with cloudron credentials and then it took me to freescout, i entered credentials and it didnt work
I clicked forgot passcode and typed the email, it said doesnt exist
For app access control, i selected all users
How can i get into freescout?
I have both installed on cloudron as i am testing them
After i installed chatwoot, freescout stopped getting new emails
The emails are in gmail and in chatwoot though
I tested fetching in freescout just now and it was successful
Why is freescout not getting new emails?