Update gotenberg to 8.17.3
Full Changelog
Enhancement: require totp code for obtain auth token by @shamoon in #8936
Enhancement: require totp code for obtain auth token by @shamoon in #8936
Fix: reflect doc links in bulk modify custom fields by @shamoon in #8962
Fix: also ensure symmetric doc link removal on bulk edit by @shamoon in #8963
@nebulon This is super Nebulon. There are so many apps Cloudron has made available. But adding "small" requests like this to existing apps makes Cloudron all that more appealing. You've just saved me the cost of a separate VPS on which I had been running Tika and Gotenburg! Has there been a better improvement of any app than this?! Thank you!
Yes unfortunately the upstream project decided to keep it this way. We had a discussion at https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/discussions/7032 but apparently they do not want to change this.
So after first login via the UI it will fail like this. Then an admin has to give the missing permissions to that user, then it works
Have you tried if creating a token via the Django admin interface works?
admin -> settings -> Django-Adminpanel
[image: 1728130465641-ff8759bf-2b05-4a68-b727-fff78cb04600-image-resized.png]
This seems to be the same as https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/12412/celery-stuck-in-restarting-loop/2 and https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/12195/high-cpu-utilization-since-update-1-25-1/18
I will lock this in favor of the others.
Long story short: Update to 1.25.5 requires minBox version 8.0.0. My Cloudron instance was stuck on an older version. After updating to 8.x, the update for Paperless worked perfectly.
"Ticket" closed. Thank you.
I reread the thread here and indeed it seems the mailbox is opened fine but then the search criteria does not return any results, so paperless thinks nothing is there. Do you know where this criteria might come from? SINCE 26-Jul-2024 UNSEEN is that date somehow related to something you have set?