Backup import fails on new Cloudron instance
@nebulon Right, so this is what's seen in the app log when restoring. Cleared the view first to make sure to capture the relevant parts.
Jan 31 13:51:47 box:settings initCache: pre-load settings Jan 31 13:51:48 box:taskworker Starting task 28. Logs are at /home/yellowtent/platformdata/logs/APP_ID/apptask.log Jan 31 13:51:48 box:tasks 28: {"percent":2,"error":null} Jan 31 13:51:48 box:apptask gitea.domain.tld startTask installationState: pending_restore runState: running Jan 31 13:51:48 box:tasks 28: {"percent":10,"message":"Cleaning up old install"} Jan 31 13:51:48 box:shell reload spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ Jan 31 13:51:48 box:apptask gitea.domain.tld deleting app containers (app, scheduler) Jan 31 13:51:48 box:shell removeCollectdProfile spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ remove APP_ID Jan 31 13:51:48 box:shell removeCollectdProfile (stdout): Restarting collectd Jan 31 13:51:48 box:shell removeCollectdProfile (stdout): Removing collectd stats of APP_ID Jan 31 13:51:48 box:shell removeLogrotateConfig spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ remove APP_ID Jan 31 13:51:48 box:apptask gitea.domain.tld updating app with values: {"containerId":null} Jan 31 13:51:48 box:addons gitea.domain.tld teardownAddons: Tearing down [] Jan 31 13:51:48 box:apptask gitea.domain.tld updating app with values: {"containerIp":""} Jan 31 13:51:48 box:tasks 28: {"percent":20,"message":"Downloading icon"} Jan 31 13:51:48 box:apptask gitea.domain.tld Downloading icon of io.gitea.cloudronapp@1.19.1 Jan 31 13:51:49 box:tasks 28: {"percent":30,"message":"Registering subdomains"} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:apptask gitea.domain.tld registerSubdomain: Will register [{"subdomain":"gitea","domain":"domain.tld"}] Jan 31 13:51:49 box:apptask gitea.domain.tld Registering subdomain: gitea.domain.tld Jan 31 13:51:49 box:domains upsertDNSRecord: gitea on domain.tld type A values [ 'IP_ADRESS' ] Jan 31 13:51:49 box:dns/manual upsert: gitea for zone domain.tld of type A with values ["IP_ADRESS"] Jan 31 13:51:49 box:tasks 28: {"percent":40,"message":"Downloading image"} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:docker downloadImage cloudron/io.gitea.cloudronapp:20201228-202120-569e64a22 Jan 31 13:51:49 box:tasks 28: {"percent":50,"message":"Creating app data directory"} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:tasks 28: {"percent":65,"message":"Download backup and restoring addons"} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld setupAddons: Setting up ["mysql","sendmail","localstorage","ldap"] Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting up addon mysql with options {} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting up mysql Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting mysql addon config to [{"name":"CLOUDRON_MYSQL_USERNAME","value":"USER"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MYSQL_PASSWORD","value":"PASS"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MYSQL_HOST","value":"mysql"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MYSQL_PORT","value":"3306"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MYSQL_URL","value":"mysql://USER:PASS@mysql/USER"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MYSQL_DATABASE","value":"USER"}] Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting up addon sendmail with options {} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting up SendMail Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting sendmail addon config to [{"name":"CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER","value":"mail"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_PORT","value":"2525"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTPS_PORT","value":"2465"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME","value":""},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD","value":"PASS_SMTP"},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MAIL_FROM","value":""},{"name":"CLOUDRON_MAIL_DOMAIN","value":"domain.tld"}] Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting up addon localstorage with options {} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld setupLocalStorage Jan 31 13:51:49 box:shell createVolume spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ /home/yellowtent/appsdata/APP_ID/data Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting up addon ldap with options {} Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld Setting up LDAP Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld clearAddons Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld clearAddons: clearing ["mysql","sendmail","localstorage","ldap"] Jan 31 13:51:49 box:addons gitea.domain.tld clearLocalStorage Jan 31 13:51:49 box:shell clearVolume spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ clear /home/yellowtent/appsdata/APP_ID/data Jan 31 13:51:49 box:backups download: Downloading 2021-01-30-220006-927/app_FORMER_APP_ID_2021-01-30-221251-850_v1.19.1 of format tgz to {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/APP_ID","layout":[]}
At this point it's not getting any further, while at the same time it throws
Error : Task Error - Task 28 crashed with code 255 and signal null
in the UI.Box log shows:
{ "app": { "id": "APP_ID", "appStoreId": "io.gitea.cloudronapp", "installationState": "error", "runState": "running", "health": "healthy", "containerId": null, "memoryLimit": 0, "cpuShares": 512, "label": null, "taskId": null, "sso": true, "enableBackup": true, "proxyAuth": false, "containerIp": "", "creationTime": "2021-01-28T09:19:42.000Z", "updateTime": "2021-01-28T09:19:42.000Z", "mailboxName": "", "mailboxDomain": "domain.tld", "enableAutomaticUpdate": true, "dataDir": null, "ts": "2021-01-31T12:51:11.000Z", "healthTime": "2021-01-28T10:00:40.000Z", "location": "gitea", "domain": "domain.tld", "alternateDomains": [], "manifest": { "id": "io.gitea.cloudronapp", "title": "Gitea", "author": "Gitea developers", "description": "This app packages Gitea <upstream>1.13.0</upstream>\n\nGitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket or Gitlab.\n\n### Purpose\n\nThe goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way to set up a self-hosted Git service.\n\n### Features\n\n- Activity timeline\n- SSH and HTTP/HTTPS protocols\n- SMTP/LDAP/Reverse proxy authentication\n- Reverse proxy with sub-path\n- Account/Organization/Repository management\n- Repository/Organization webhooks (including Slack)\n- Repository Git hooks/deploy keys\n- Repository issues, pull requests and wiki\n- Add/Remove repository collaborators\n- Gravatar and custom source\n- Mail service\n- Administration panel\n\n### Bug reports\n\nOpen bugs on [Github](\n", "tagline": "A painless self-hosted Git Service", "version": "1.19.1", "healthCheckPath": "/healthcheck", "httpPort": 3000, "memoryLimit": 536870912, "addons": { "mysql": {}, "sendmail": {}, "localstorage": {}, "ldap": {} }, "tcpPorts": { "SSH_PORT": { "title": "SSH Port", "description": "SSH Port over which repos can be pushed & pulled", "defaultValue": 29418 } }, "manifestVersion": 2, "website": "", "contactEmail": "", "icon": "file://logo.png", "optionalSso": true, "mediaLinks": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "tags": [ "version control", "git", "code hosting", "development", "github", "bitbucket", "gitlab" ], "changelog": "* Update Gitea to 1.13.1\n* [Full changelog](\n* Security: Hide private participation in Orgs (#13994) (#14031)\n* Security: Fix escaping issue in diff (#14153) (#14154)\n", "postInstallMessage": "This app is pre-setup with an admin account (use the `Local` authentication source for logging in as admin).\nThe initial credentials are:\n\n**Username**: root<br/>\n**Password**: changeme<br/>\n\nPlease change the admin password immediately.\n\n<sso>\nCloudron users can login using the `Cloudron` authentication source.\n</sso>\n\n", "minBoxVersion": "5.3.0", "forumUrl": "", "documentationUrl": "", "dockerImage": "cloudron/io.gitea.cloudronapp:20201228-202120-569e64a22" }, "tags": [], "reverseProxyConfig": {}, "portBindings": { "SSH_PORT": 2222 }, "accessRestriction": null, "debugMode": null, "servicesConfig": {}, "env": {}, "mounts": [], "error": { "message": "Task 27 crashed with code 255 and signal null", "reason": "Task Error", "crashed": true, "stopped": false, "taskId": "27", "installationState": "pending_restore" }, "iconUrl": "/api/v1/apps/APP_ID/icon", "fqdn": "gitea.domain.tld" }, "backupId": "2021-01-30-220006-927/app_FORMER_APP_ID_2021-01-30-221251-850_v1.19.1", "fromManifest": { "id": "io.gitea.cloudronapp", "title": "Gitea", "author": "Gitea developers", "description": "This app packages Gitea <upstream>1.13.0</upstream>\n\nGitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket or Gitlab.\n\n### Purpose\n\nThe goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way to set up a self-hosted Git service.\n\n### Features\n\n- Activity timeline\n- SSH and HTTP/HTTPS protocols\n- SMTP/LDAP/Reverse proxy authentication\n- Reverse proxy with sub-path\n- Account/Organization/Repository management\n- Repository/Organization webhooks (including Slack)\n- Repository Git hooks/deploy keys\n- Repository issues, pull requests and wiki\n- Add/Remove repository collaborators\n- Gravatar and custom source\n- Mail service\n- Administration panel\n\n### Bug reports\n\nOpen bugs on [Github](\n", "tagline": "A painless self-hosted Git Service", "version": "1.19.1", "healthCheckPath": "/healthcheck", "httpPort": 3000, "memoryLimit": 536870912, "addons": { "mysql": {}, "sendmail": {}, "localstorage": {}, "ldap": {} }, "tcpPorts": { "SSH_PORT": { "title": "SSH Port", "description": "SSH Port over which repos can be pushed & pulled", "defaultValue": 29418 } }, "manifestVersion": 2, "website": "", "contactEmail": "", "icon": "file://logo.png", "optionalSso": true, "mediaLinks": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "tags": [ "version control", "git", "code hosting", "development", "github", "bitbucket", "gitlab" ], "changelog": "* Update Gitea to 1.13.1\n* [Full changelog](\n* Security: Hide private participation in Orgs (#13994) (#14031)\n* Security: Fix escaping issue in diff (#14153) (#14154)\n", "postInstallMessage": "This app is pre-setup with an admin account (use the `Local` authentication source for logging in as admin).\nThe initial credentials are:\n\n**Username**: root<br/>\n**Password**: changeme<br/>\n\nPlease change the admin password immediately.\n\n<sso>\nCloudron users can login using the `Cloudron` authentication source.\n</sso>\n\n", "minBoxVersion": "5.3.0", "forumUrl": "", "documentationUrl": "", "dockerImage": "cloudron/io.gitea.cloudronapp:20201228-202120-569e64a22" }, "toManifest": { "id": "io.gitea.cloudronapp", "title": "Gitea", "author": "Gitea developers", "description": "This app packages Gitea <upstream>1.13.0</upstream>\n\nGitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket or Gitlab.\n\n### Purpose\n\nThe goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way to set up a self-hosted Git service.\n\n### Features\n\n- Activity timeline\n- SSH and HTTP/HTTPS protocols\n- SMTP/LDAP/Reverse proxy authentication\n- Reverse proxy with sub-path\n- Account/Organization/Repository management\n- Repository/Organization webhooks (including Slack)\n- Repository Git hooks/deploy keys\n- Repository issues, pull requests and wiki\n- Add/Remove repository collaborators\n- Gravatar and custom source\n- Mail service\n- Administration panel\n\n### Bug reports\n\nOpen bugs on [Github](\n", "tagline": "A painless self-hosted Git Service", "version": "1.19.1", "healthCheckPath": "/healthcheck", "httpPort": 3000, "memoryLimit": 536870912, "addons": { "mysql": {}, "sendmail": {}, "localstorage": {}, "ldap": {} }, "tcpPorts": { "SSH_PORT": { "title": "SSH Port", "description": "SSH Port over which repos can be pushed & pulled", "defaultValue": 29418 } }, "manifestVersion": 2, "website": "", "contactEmail": "", "icon": "file://logo.png", "optionalSso": true, "mediaLinks": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "tags": [ "version control", "git", "code hosting", "development", "github", "bitbucket", "gitlab" ], "changelog": "* Update Gitea to 1.13.1\n* [Full changelog](\n* Security: Hide private participation in Orgs (#13994) (#14031)\n* Security: Fix escaping issue in diff (#14153) (#14154)\n", "postInstallMessage": "This app is pre-setup with an admin account (use the `Local` authentication source for logging in as admin).\nThe initial credentials are:\n\n**Username**: root<br/>\n**Password**: changeme<br/>\n\nPlease change the admin password immediately.\n\n<sso>\nCloudron users can login using the `Cloudron` authentication source.\n</sso>\n\n", "minBoxVersion": "5.3.0", "forumUrl": "", "documentationUrl": "", "dockerImage": "cloudron/io.gitea.cloudronapp:20201228-202120-569e64a22" }, "taskId": "28" }
@yusf Are on Cloudron 6.1 ? Also, can you check dmesg output to see if there are any oom errors?
@girish Both Cloudrons are on 6.0.1. I'm not sure how to use dmesg.
dmesg | grep oom
doesn't yield any results at least.@yusf From
but nothing useful from what I can tell.2021-02-01T09:52:43.771Z box:shell startTask code: 255, signal: null 2021-02-01T09:52:43.774Z box:tasks startTask: 40 completed with code 255 and signal null 2021-02-01T09:52:43.780Z box:tasks setCompleted - 40: {"error":{"message":"Task 40 crashed with code 255 and signal null","code":"crashed"}} 2021-02-01T09:52:43.781Z box:tasks 40: {"percent":100,"error":{"message":"Task 40 crashed with code 255 and signal null","code":"crashed"}} 2021-02-01T09:52:43.781Z box:apps scheduleTask: task 40 of NEW_APP_ID completed 2021-02-01T09:52:43.781Z box:apps Apptask crashed/stopped: Task 40 crashed with code 255 and signal null 2021-02-01T09:52:43.783Z box:locker Released : apptask 2021-02-01T09:52:43.783Z box:sftp rebuilding container 2021-02-01T09:52:43.787Z box:scheduler resumeJobs: NEW_APP_ID 2021-02-01T09:52:43.788Z box:tasks startTask: 40 done 2021-02-01T09:52:43.802Z box:shell inspectSftp exec: docker inspect --format="{{json .Mounts }}" sftp 2021-02-01T09:52:44.211Z box:shell inspectSftp (stdout): [{"Type":"bind","Source":"/home/yellowtent/boxdata/sftp/ssh","Destination":"/etc/ssh","Mode":"ro","RW":false,"Propagation":"rprivate"},{"Type":"volume","Name":"SOURCE_VOL","Source":"/var/lib/docker/volumes/SOURCE_VOL/_data","Destination":"/run","Driver":"local","Mode":"","RW":true,"Propagation":""},{"Type":"volume","Name":"DEST_VOL","Source":"/var/lib/docker/volumes/DEST_VOL/_data","Destination":"/tmp","Driver":"local","Mode":"","RW":true,"Propagation":""},{"Type":"bind","Source":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/NEW_APP_ID/data","Destination":"/app/data/NEW_APP_ID","Mode":"","RW":true,"Propagation":"rprivate"}] 2021-02-01T09:52:44.211Z box:shell inspectSftp (stderr): 2021-02-01T09:52:44.213Z box:sftp Skipping rebuild, no changes 2021-02-01T09:52:50.006Z box:apphealthmonitor app health: 0 alive / 1 dead.
@yusf From
but nothing useful from what I can tell.2021-02-01T09:52:43.771Z box:shell startTask code: 255, signal: null 2021-02-01T09:52:43.774Z box:tasks startTask: 40 completed with code 255 and signal null 2021-02-01T09:52:43.780Z box:tasks setCompleted - 40: {"error":{"message":"Task 40 crashed with code 255 and signal null","code":"crashed"}} 2021-02-01T09:52:43.781Z box:tasks 40: {"percent":100,"error":{"message":"Task 40 crashed with code 255 and signal null","code":"crashed"}} 2021-02-01T09:52:43.781Z box:apps scheduleTask: task 40 of NEW_APP_ID completed 2021-02-01T09:52:43.781Z box:apps Apptask crashed/stopped: Task 40 crashed with code 255 and signal null 2021-02-01T09:52:43.783Z box:locker Released : apptask 2021-02-01T09:52:43.783Z box:sftp rebuilding container 2021-02-01T09:52:43.787Z box:scheduler resumeJobs: NEW_APP_ID 2021-02-01T09:52:43.788Z box:tasks startTask: 40 done 2021-02-01T09:52:43.802Z box:shell inspectSftp exec: docker inspect --format="{{json .Mounts }}" sftp 2021-02-01T09:52:44.211Z box:shell inspectSftp (stdout): [{"Type":"bind","Source":"/home/yellowtent/boxdata/sftp/ssh","Destination":"/etc/ssh","Mode":"ro","RW":false,"Propagation":"rprivate"},{"Type":"volume","Name":"SOURCE_VOL","Source":"/var/lib/docker/volumes/SOURCE_VOL/_data","Destination":"/run","Driver":"local","Mode":"","RW":true,"Propagation":""},{"Type":"volume","Name":"DEST_VOL","Source":"/var/lib/docker/volumes/DEST_VOL/_data","Destination":"/tmp","Driver":"local","Mode":"","RW":true,"Propagation":""},{"Type":"bind","Source":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/NEW_APP_ID/data","Destination":"/app/data/NEW_APP_ID","Mode":"","RW":true,"Propagation":"rprivate"}] 2021-02-01T09:52:44.211Z box:shell inspectSftp (stderr): 2021-02-01T09:52:44.213Z box:sftp Skipping rebuild, no changes 2021-02-01T09:52:50.006Z box:apphealthmonitor app health: 0 alive / 1 dead.
@yusf can you also check the logs of the failing task? Those should be located at
@nebulon Alas there is no
. I ran the restoration task again and the new task 41 didn't show up as41.log
either. -
@yusf Strange. Do you have enough disk space? Can you give the server a reboot and see if the logs files are getting generated?
No difference in rebooting. This is getting frustrating. Are there other, perhaps manual ways of restoring? For instance I can migrate the app backup to the new server manually if I can import it to the new app somehow.
I'm pressed for time to follow up currently, but I managed to solve perform the migration by
- Configuring backup target back to the local
- Performing a fresh app backup on the old server
- Add SSH key of new server to old server's
- Using
to transfer the app backup from old server to new. - Replace the latest local Gitea backup on the new server with the transferred one.
- Restore to the latest app backup on the new server.
- Configuring backup target back to the local
I'm pressed for time to follow up currently, but I managed to solve perform the migration by
- Configuring backup target back to the local
- Performing a fresh app backup on the old server
- Add SSH key of new server to old server's
- Using
to transfer the app backup from old server to new. - Replace the latest local Gitea backup on the new server with the transferred one.
- Restore to the latest app backup on the new server.
- Configuring backup target back to the local