Is there a good way to keep in touch with people who were at the meeting today? I found some people on the forum here but wasn't sure who was who in some cases.
@kaxline it is tough because it has a rather short character limit, but ideally we could just all use our usernames on there. Luckily my username is my first and last name :^)
@kaxline You can use the Chat feature in the forum here probably, may be the best way to stay in touch for things that don't need to be it's own forum post.
I don't believe it was recorded, not from our side at least. Anyways given the style of the meeting, it probably could only be recorded from a person's point of view
it is possible to make the next one more global hour centric aka noon or 1:00PM UTC+1
so in NorthAmerica it would be morning
and South-East Asia it would be evening
instead of midnight