Version numbers after updating to latest
Tonight, one of my Nextcloud apps received an update. The event log history tells me that:
- Update of Nextcloud at started from v4.9.2 to v4.10.0
One minute later:
- Nextcloud at was updated to v4.9.2 ("This app packages NextCloud <upstream>21.0.3</upstream>")
In the Notifications section: Nextcloud at updated to 21.0.3 (package version 4.9.2) xx minutes ago
Nextcloud itself advertises version 22.0.0. Is this a copy&paste error in the changelog/packaging manifest?
Tonight, one of my Nextcloud apps received an update. The event log history tells me that:
- Update of Nextcloud at started from v4.9.2 to v4.10.0
One minute later:
- Nextcloud at was updated to v4.9.2 ("This app packages NextCloud <upstream>21.0.3</upstream>")
In the Notifications section: Nextcloud at updated to 21.0.3 (package version 4.9.2) xx minutes ago
Nextcloud itself advertises version 22.0.0. Is this a copy&paste error in the changelog/packaging manifest?
Both my Nextcloud apps were "updated to 21.0.3 (package version 4.9.2)". One is working, the other is status "not responding" in the app dashboard.
Screenshot of login page attached:
Should I reinstall the "not responding" one from an earlier backup?
@oj yes. Reinstalling helps. If you start the update again, open the logfile window and look for lines like
Aug 11 14:24:31 Disabled incompatible app: groupfolders
. In my case, incompatible apps were the problem. - has info on how to disable broken apps. I will put a link to the nextcloud app/plugin warning again -
Tonight, one of my Nextcloud apps received an update. The event log history tells me that:
- Update of Nextcloud at started from v4.9.2 to v4.10.0
One minute later:
- Nextcloud at was updated to v4.9.2 ("This app packages NextCloud <upstream>21.0.3</upstream>")
In the Notifications section: Nextcloud at updated to 21.0.3 (package version 4.9.2) xx minutes ago
Nextcloud itself advertises version 22.0.0. Is this a copy&paste error in the changelog/packaging manifest?
@luckow Thanks, that worked.
I had to disable the following incompatible apps:
- Spreed
- Deck
- Group Folders
- Automated Tagging
- Track Downloads
They all show up in the App Store as "enable Untested App"