What's happening with PaperMerge or OCR?
wrote on Jan 5, 2022, 12:03 AM last edited by
Hello everyone, I'm new to the community and loving everything about Cloudron so far. I'm surprised to see that there are so few options for document storage and management? Specifically a program that does OCR like PaperMerge. Like a lot of people I've made it a goal to go as paperless as possible in this next year and a program like PaperMerge or Paperless-ng seems like it would be a perfect fit for a self hosted program like Cloudron.
Is there a reason there isn't already an app like this packaged? Maybe its just too resource hungry for this? Since its not already packaged is there a way to custom add it through Docker somehow? I'm totally new to this but I'm willing to try and grind out an install if its not too deep into the weeds for a beginner.
Any insight is appreciated.
Hello everyone, I'm new to the community and loving everything about Cloudron so far. I'm surprised to see that there are so few options for document storage and management? Specifically a program that does OCR like PaperMerge. Like a lot of people I've made it a goal to go as paperless as possible in this next year and a program like PaperMerge or Paperless-ng seems like it would be a perfect fit for a self hosted program like Cloudron.
Is there a reason there isn't already an app like this packaged? Maybe its just too resource hungry for this? Since its not already packaged is there a way to custom add it through Docker somehow? I'm totally new to this but I'm willing to try and grind out an install if its not too deep into the weeds for a beginner.
Any insight is appreciated.
wrote on Jan 5, 2022, 4:11 AM last edited by -
Hello everyone, I'm new to the community and loving everything about Cloudron so far. I'm surprised to see that there are so few options for document storage and management? Specifically a program that does OCR like PaperMerge. Like a lot of people I've made it a goal to go as paperless as possible in this next year and a program like PaperMerge or Paperless-ng seems like it would be a perfect fit for a self hosted program like Cloudron.
Is there a reason there isn't already an app like this packaged? Maybe its just too resource hungry for this? Since its not already packaged is there a way to custom add it through Docker somehow? I'm totally new to this but I'm willing to try and grind out an install if its not too deep into the weeds for a beginner.
Any insight is appreciated.
@jtippetts Maybe officially packaged apps not available
But custom packages are
I'm using Paperless : check out https://git.cloudron.io/doodlemania2/paperless-ng -
@jtippetts Maybe officially packaged apps not available
But custom packages are
I'm using Paperless : check out https://git.cloudron.io/doodlemania2/paperless-ngwrote on Jan 5, 2022, 11:37 PM last edited by@timconsidine Thank you! I appreciate that. I'll see if I can try to figure out how to get a custom app loaded.
@timconsidine Thank you! I appreciate that. I'll see if I can try to figure out how to get a custom app loaded.
@jtippetts : generally straight forward if someone has packaged the app already
- install cloudron CLI on your local computer and connect your PC to your cloudron account : see https://docs.cloudron.io/custom-apps/tutorial/?support_view
- install Docker for your local computer (and docker-compose if you want)
- open an account on Docker which gives your repo-name (needed below)
- create a directory on your local computer
- change into it
- download the app repo files into it
- run
docker build -t <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name> .
- replace <repo-name>, <app-name> and <tag-name> in the command
- <tag-name> can be anything to distinguish different builds ( I usually use YYMMDDa)
- remember the trailing dot in the command
- after building, run
docker push <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name>
- run
cloudron install --image <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name>
- follow the prompts
Generally that gets you an installation of the custom non-official app.
Shout if you get errors.
Hope this is not too late to be useful.
@jtippetts : generally straight forward if someone has packaged the app already
- install cloudron CLI on your local computer and connect your PC to your cloudron account : see https://docs.cloudron.io/custom-apps/tutorial/?support_view
- install Docker for your local computer (and docker-compose if you want)
- open an account on Docker which gives your repo-name (needed below)
- create a directory on your local computer
- change into it
- download the app repo files into it
- run
docker build -t <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name> .
- replace <repo-name>, <app-name> and <tag-name> in the command
- <tag-name> can be anything to distinguish different builds ( I usually use YYMMDDa)
- remember the trailing dot in the command
- after building, run
docker push <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name>
- run
cloudron install --image <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name>
- follow the prompts
Generally that gets you an installation of the custom non-official app.
Shout if you get errors.
Hope this is not too late to be useful.
@timconsidine Hi yall - paperless-ng seems to have stalled upstream, but the current build is what i've been using and i have north of 20,000 docs loaded and indexed and ocrd - it's fantastic
@timconsidine Hi yall - paperless-ng seems to have stalled upstream, but the current build is what i've been using and i have north of 20,000 docs loaded and indexed and ocrd - it's fantastic
@doodlemania2 are you still using https://git.cloudron.io/doodlemania2/paperless-ng ?
@doodlemania2 are you still using https://git.cloudron.io/doodlemania2/paperless-ng ?
@girish yep!
@girish yep!
@doodlemania2 I do appear to have unpushed changes but the only thing I've done recently was bump the image to 3.0. My version is 1.5.0.
@doodlemania2 I do appear to have unpushed changes but the only thing I've done recently was bump the image to 3.0. My version is 1.5.0.
@doodlemania2 would be awesome, if you could push your pending changes. I have just looked into your repo and tried to improve towards an official package. On the way I have seen the superuser account creation being manual, so I have also created an upstream issue about how to automate this https://github.com/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng/issues/1531
@doodlemania2 would be awesome, if you could push your pending changes. I have just looked into your repo and tried to improve towards an official package. On the way I have seen the superuser account creation being manual, so I have also created an upstream issue about how to automate this https://github.com/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng/issues/1531
@nebulon oh awesome! as soon as i sort my git issue i will do so. may go with copy/pasta haha
@timconsidine Hi yall - paperless-ng seems to have stalled upstream, but the current build is what i've been using and i have north of 20,000 docs loaded and indexed and ocrd - it's fantastic
@doodlemania2 yes, I'm very happy with my installation of custom package. Definitely stable and production ready. If it can be made an official packaged app, that would be awesome.
@timconsidine Hi yall - paperless-ng seems to have stalled upstream, but the current build is what i've been using and i have north of 20,000 docs loaded and indexed and ocrd - it's fantastic
wrote on Jan 7, 2022, 4:59 PM last edited by@doodlemania2 said in What's happening with PaperMerge or OCR?:
@timconsidine Hi yall - paperless-ng seems to have stalled upstream, but the current build is what i've been using and i have north of 20,000 docs loaded and indexed and ocrd - it's fantastic
Sounds great!
I guess I could use this to index everything in my existing PDF library to make it all more searchable and easier to find things, right?
@doodlemania2 said in What's happening with PaperMerge or OCR?:
@timconsidine Hi yall - paperless-ng seems to have stalled upstream, but the current build is what i've been using and i have north of 20,000 docs loaded and indexed and ocrd - it's fantastic
Sounds great!
I guess I could use this to index everything in my existing PDF library to make it all more searchable and easier to find things, right?
wrote on Jan 7, 2022, 6:25 PM last edited by neurokrish Jan 7, 2022, 6:28 PM@jdaviescoates yes. Not only PDF files but also images, text files, etc. Once OCR'd, they are all available in a nice web interface for you to search. Surely will be a great addition to Cloudron!
@doodlemania2 would be awesome, if you could push your pending changes. I have just looked into your repo and tried to improve towards an official package. On the way I have seen the superuser account creation being manual, so I have also created an upstream issue about how to automate this https://github.com/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng/issues/1531
@nebulon I've updated to the latest and greatest from my local source - it's now exactly what I'm running locally.
wrote on Jan 8, 2022, 3:05 AM last edited by
Before I go crazy trying to do a custom install, it sounds like this is something that's very close to being ready to add to the list of supported apps from the app store? Is that possible in the near future or should I spend my weekend trying to figure this out?
Before I go crazy trying to do a custom install, it sounds like this is something that's very close to being ready to add to the list of supported apps from the app store? Is that possible in the near future or should I spend my weekend trying to figure this out?
@jtippetts I don't think it need a weekend, if you follow the steps I outlined. And even if it is close, I suspect it ill still be a while.
Before I go crazy trying to do a custom install, it sounds like this is something that's very close to being ready to add to the list of supported apps from the app store? Is that possible in the near future or should I spend my weekend trying to figure this out?
wrote on Jan 8, 2022, 9:11 AM last edited by@jtippetts as this month is not a packaging month for the Cloudron team, it's one of the upcoming ones.
@jtippetts : generally straight forward if someone has packaged the app already
- install cloudron CLI on your local computer and connect your PC to your cloudron account : see https://docs.cloudron.io/custom-apps/tutorial/?support_view
- install Docker for your local computer (and docker-compose if you want)
- open an account on Docker which gives your repo-name (needed below)
- create a directory on your local computer
- change into it
- download the app repo files into it
- run
docker build -t <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name> .
- replace <repo-name>, <app-name> and <tag-name> in the command
- <tag-name> can be anything to distinguish different builds ( I usually use YYMMDDa)
- remember the trailing dot in the command
- after building, run
docker push <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name>
- run
cloudron install --image <repo-name>/<app-name>:<tag-name>
- follow the prompts
Generally that gets you an installation of the custom non-official app.
Shout if you get errors.
Hope this is not too late to be useful.
wrote on Jan 8, 2022, 7:14 PM last edited by@timconsidine ...so I think I almost have this done. I ran the last cloudron install step and its asking me for a location. Anyone know what location its asking for specifically?
@jtippetts I don't think it need a weekend, if you follow the steps I outlined. And even if it is close, I suspect it ill still be a while.
wrote on Jan 8, 2022, 7:18 PM last edited by@timconsidine I figured out the location but I ended up with one last error.
App is being installed.
=> Queued .
=> Registering subdomains
=> Registering location: paperless.tippetts.vegas
=> Downloading imageApp installation error: Installation failed: Unable to pull image <repo-name>/paperless-ng. message: (HTTP code 404) unexpected - pull access denied for <repo-name>/paperless-ng, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied statusCode: 404