Import Backup Fails in odd ways
Importing an app by exporting a backup config from cloudronA to cloudronB.
Backups are on S3v4 + encrypted
Importing Backup > uploading backup config saved from cloudronA.
Access key is omitted from config save, so pasting that in, however the bug is allowing the import to continue w/o entering the enryption password.
This causes the import to fail during the download phase.
It's not graceful either. Can't cancel it.Then the Task Error from the Repair tab lets you retry it, which also fails.
Then going back to Backups tab, one cannot do another import by uploading another backup config. The fields remain blank.
One must completely exit the app config before one can try again.
So two bugs possibly. The middle one shouldn't come up if the first is prevented.
Good report. I guess we have to export in the config that a password is required and the UI needs to "require" it. @nebulon knows better than me if this is easy or not.
As for the second issue, import should be allowed in any app state (like restore). So, that looks like a bug, will check.
So, the import is indeed allowed even if the app errored out. The "retry import" is not ideal since it doesn't allow you to retry the import with a password.