Storage limit size?
I was wonder is there way make each app you want amount size of apps storage we want use for specific so it won't disturbing our server(when it is reach full). So I would like limit each app. I hope this is good idea.
I was wonder is there way make each app you want amount size of apps storage we want use for specific so it won't disturbing our server(when it is reach full). So I would like limit each app. I hope this is good idea.
@ApplegateR That is potentially dangerous for data integrity, as limiting the writing of data can corrupt config files and other data.
I think this is a dup of
@girish yes it is! Sorry I just want see if that bring up again I just put up vote there and dang maybe we could find way when first time install will ask you what domain and user and then add there gui with size of storage so people fill it out form into script build docker with storage size. I not smart enough but I am learning docker as well.
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