Publii Static CMS
I agree that a dedicated app is not needed. It doesn’t need Cloudron infra at all.
LAMP isn’t needed. Surfer or GH Pages are ideal for this use case.
This works great and quite easily with Surfer and SFTP access. Very nice and simple website building app for non programmers.
@abargel Not sure I understand. is Publii a local native app which pushes content to be served ?
@timconsidine Precisely. I installed Publii on my PC, from local GUI I can create pages and such (including while offline), then when ready I sync/push to Surfer (or many other server options, but Surfer is super easy for a Cloudron user) and it's live.
@timconsidine Precisely. I installed Publii on my PC, from local GUI I can create pages and such (including while offline), then when ready I sync/push to Surfer (or many other server options, but Surfer is super easy for a Cloudron user) and it's live.
Just so we all understand, and maybe @girish that should be moved to the off topic or else section, this is NOT a server app and as such cannot be installed on Cloudron.However, that doesn't mean it's not interesting to learn about it. In fact it's a very interesting solution for building static websites.
This is a desktop app, available for all PC platforms, installed on one's local PC and used to build static websites, then through the local app one pushes the wholes sites or simple updates or even a single post to its location on a server.
Hence, any server side app that can be used to serve static websites files, like a simple web server, can be used to serve the websites created with the client side (PC) app. For example a LAMP installation should do the trick, or even Surfer or Github pages apparently.
Cool find and share!
@timconsidine Precisely. I installed Publii on my PC, from local GUI I can create pages and such (including while offline), then when ready I sync/push to Surfer (or many other server options, but Surfer is super easy for a Cloudron user) and it's live.
Just so we all understand, and maybe @girish that should be moved to the off topic or else section, this is NOT a server app and as such cannot be installed on Cloudron.However, that doesn't mean it's not interesting to learn about it. In fact it's a very interesting solution for building static websites.
This is a desktop app, available for all PC platforms, installed on one's local PC and used to build static websites, then through the local app one pushes the wholes sites or simple updates or even a single post to its location on a server.
Hence, any server side app that can be used to serve static websites files, like a simple web server, can be used to serve the websites created with the client side (PC) app. For example a LAMP installation should do the trick, or even Surfer or Github pages apparently.
Cool find and share!
@micmc Well, having found the old wishlist post while looking for Cloudron based options to host the files, I was just confirming that the last suggested option works
@timconsidine Precisely. I installed Publii on my PC, from local GUI I can create pages and such (including while offline), then when ready I sync/push to Surfer (or many other server options, but Surfer is super easy for a Cloudron user) and it's live.
@abargel can I ask your server settings in Publii for a Surfer app ?
I'm using the SFTP settings from Cloudron app dashboard.
I suspect I have the wrong remote path
But getting error on Test Connection -
@abargel can I ask your server settings in Publii for a Surfer app ?
I'm using the SFTP settings from Cloudron app dashboard.
I suspect I have the wrong remote path
But getting error on Test Connection@timconsidine public/
@timconsidine public/
@abargel ah ! thank you
still getting a 'file permissions' error but will do some digging@timconsidine I think that you have to set up access in Surfer Admin settings, also.