PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel
If Cloudron support puffer panel i whould instantly switch from yunohost back to cloudron because of convenience ^^.
Is there any plans to add this? I really hope so.
@Sidias Have you tried installing it in the LAMP app?
It has Go ver 1.17.x and you can use the Apache manual install docs from PufferPanel.
@robi said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
you can use the Apache manual install docs from PufferPanel
What docs are you reffering to? There is nothing like this to be found at the official installation section.
@robi said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
you can use the Apache manual install docs from PufferPanel
What docs are you reffering to? There is nothing like this to be found at the official installation section.
@subven It's a bit further down on the left under Guides:
https://docs.pufferpanel.com/en/2.x/guides/apache.html@robi saw that but it's just Apache configuration (not a installation guide) and this assumes the apt package is installed. AFAIK there is no guide for manual installation so no way to bring the app to the LAMP stack. However, you could take a look at the Docker container and dockerfile to get a glimpse on what is required for the app to run.
@robi saw that but it's just Apache configuration (not a installation guide) and this assumes the apt package is installed. AFAIK there is no guide for manual installation so no way to bring the app to the LAMP stack. However, you could take a look at the Docker container and dockerfile to get a glimpse on what is required for the app to run.
@subven Right, I did not mean to imply there's a guide to install it in the Cloudron LAMP App.
But if one is willing to hack on it, get the Go app compiled, it will run in the LAMP app, then adjust the Apache configs to fit and it should run.
One can follow along what is being done in the Dockerfile: https://github.com/PufferPanel/PufferPanel/blob/master/Dockerfile
@subven Right, I did not mean to imply there's a guide to install it in the Cloudron LAMP App.
But if one is willing to hack on it, get the Go app compiled, it will run in the LAMP app, then adjust the Apache configs to fit and it should run.
One can follow along what is being done in the Dockerfile: https://github.com/PufferPanel/PufferPanel/blob/master/Dockerfile
@robi the problem is that only installing pufferpanel itself on LAMP-Stack doesnt get the Servers running.
You need several librarys and Javaversions installed to fully get up steamapp-related servers and minecraftservers up.
and i dont pay 30 a month to hack into something if its not a preinstallable package the completely free yunohost is way better because there i can simply click and baam its up.
if cloudron isnt that convenient why switch and pay on top for more work? Makes no sense to me.
@robi the problem is that only installing pufferpanel itself on LAMP-Stack doesnt get the Servers running.
You need several librarys and Javaversions installed to fully get up steamapp-related servers and minecraftservers up.
and i dont pay 30 a month to hack into something if its not a preinstallable package the completely free yunohost is way better because there i can simply click and baam its up.
if cloudron isnt that convenient why switch and pay on top for more work? Makes no sense to me.
@Sidias I hear you, and need not remind you Cloudron is free for 2 Apps.
Also, since this doesn't currently exist as a 3-click install App, you can help make it so by getting it running in LAMP and documenting it, or even better starting a package for it!
We have example go/java apps and even a Minecraft server if that's something you play.
@robi the problem is that only installing pufferpanel itself on LAMP-Stack doesnt get the Servers running.
You need several librarys and Javaversions installed to fully get up steamapp-related servers and minecraftservers up.
and i dont pay 30 a month to hack into something if its not a preinstallable package the completely free yunohost is way better because there i can simply click and baam its up.
if cloudron isnt that convenient why switch and pay on top for more work? Makes no sense to me.
@Sidias said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
the completely free yunohost is way better because there i can simply click and baam
your server is gone since you installed outdated software and got suspended by your hosting provider because bots took over your apps. This is one of the main reasons you pay for a Cloudron subscription. Maintained packages, active support and great reliability. I used yunohost in the past and it has some benefits (free, variety of apps) but when it comes to hosting services like mail or TURN, companys with thousands of users and apps actually facing towards the open web, it can't compete.
@Sidias I hear you, and need not remind you Cloudron is free for 2 Apps.
Also, since this doesn't currently exist as a 3-click install App, you can help make it so by getting it running in LAMP and documenting it, or even better starting a package for it!
We have example go/java apps and even a Minecraft server if that's something you play.
@robi So your solution is that I work freely for a very expensive cloudron and get as only benefit for investing my time that I can pay for cloudron to use it from that point on.
sry but i don't invest time & money in such things if the money part is not a point I can invest a bit time I think but time & money is beyond any discussion.
I work a lot and have kids, house and so on I have spare time to spend on my onlineprojects. And so far yunohost does a great job the only downside is that I found cloudron a bit more convenient in some points of administration but that's no worth 30 a month to invest huge amount of time for doing their job and pay money on top.
I think cloudron can reach a massiv new audience of users if they implement an app like pufferpanel. Ptero is a bit better but if that's not possible as I read than pufferpanel is the way to go to achieve the gamehostercommunity as users.
@Sidias said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
the completely free yunohost is way better because there i can simply click and baam
your server is gone since you installed outdated software and got suspended by your hosting provider because bots took over your apps. This is one of the main reasons you pay for a Cloudron subscription. Maintained packages, active support and great reliability. I used yunohost in the past and it has some benefits (free, variety of apps) but when it comes to hosting services like mail or TURN, companys with thousands of users and apps actually facing towards the open web, it can't compete.
@subven That's why I only install stable and up2date-apps. Sure it can be unsafe and stuff but I login with a keyfile as example and handle false logins very strikt.
As I said I think cloudron is more convenient and better in some administration tasks. But at the end I must look what App consumes more from my time and for which price and the current state is that making yunohost secure is less work that let cloudron handle what I need and pay on top.
But I think if Cloudron get a simple 1-click fully functional pufferpanel I might get weak and get over to it ^^.
Problem is my spare time that I can invest. And if I maintain custom apps and stuff the time is gone fast and my Childs grow up without a father XD. So it need to be as fast and convenient as possible for me ^^.
But I know that's only a problem I have. Maybe one time someone comes and get a fully functional pufferpanel up for cloudron ^^. We will see.
@subven That's why I only install stable and up2date-apps. Sure it can be unsafe and stuff but I login with a keyfile as example and handle false logins very strikt.
As I said I think cloudron is more convenient and better in some administration tasks. But at the end I must look what App consumes more from my time and for which price and the current state is that making yunohost secure is less work that let cloudron handle what I need and pay on top.
But I think if Cloudron get a simple 1-click fully functional pufferpanel I might get weak and get over to it ^^.
Problem is my spare time that I can invest. And if I maintain custom apps and stuff the time is gone fast and my Childs grow up without a father XD. So it need to be as fast and convenient as possible for me ^^.
But I know that's only a problem I have. Maybe one time someone comes and get a fully functional pufferpanel up for cloudron ^^. We will see.
@Sidias said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
That's why I only install stable and up2date-apps
Which is clearly not the case for Pufferpanel on yunohost. In fact, most of the app catalogue there is outdated because it relies on community maintenance.
@Sidias said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
Problem is my spare time that I can invest. ~~~ So it need to be as fast and convenient as possible for me ^^.
Cloudron is 15$/month (nobody uses the monthly plan) which is the equivalent of 1-2 hours of work at minimum wage depending on where you are. Thats very reasonable considering the possibilities for general usage and remonetization. You can offer mail, Wordpress, Minecraft, Teamspeak servers and even heavyweights like Gitlab, Nextcloud, Matrix/Element and Mastodon without concerns.
Cloudron will make it easier for individuals to package apps for its plattform in the near future so lets see.
@Sidias said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
That's why I only install stable and up2date-apps
Which is clearly not the case for Pufferpanel on yunohost. In fact, most of the app catalogue there is outdated because it relies on community maintenance.
@Sidias said in PufferPanel - Open Source Game Management Panel:
Problem is my spare time that I can invest. ~~~ So it need to be as fast and convenient as possible for me ^^.
Cloudron is 15$/month (nobody uses the monthly plan) which is the equivalent of 1-2 hours of work at minimum wage depending on where you are. Thats very reasonable considering the possibilities for general usage and remonetization. You can offer mail, Wordpress, Minecraft, Teamspeak servers and even heavyweights like Gitlab, Nextcloud, Matrix/Element and Mastodon without concerns.
Cloudron will make it easier for individuals to package apps for its plattform in the near future so lets see.
@subven Nobody that seriously uses Minecraftserver can use that weird stuff called Minecraft on Cloudron... That App is really out of words... and my Pufferpanel is the latest possible version because it's simply to update to another versionnumber. Also all the other stuff is up2date. Because after the main installation you can simply update all stuff and provide newest versions. I used Cloudron for a while in 2021 but I must invest to much time in stupid workarounds because of that weird app structure cloudron has and I really need more power over some appconditions than cloudron provide so I dropped it and implement all stuff by myself for a short time after I get so much users projects and staff on my server that it become nearly a fulltimejob managing all that.
And now with yunohost I waste no more time anymore. so I really don't get your point from all alternatives to cloudron is yunohost the best one and believe me I tried many of them. Cloudron is if you only need simple tasks in the single apps.
What's this discussion for? I found several threats for users begging for a functional game panel in cloudron and it get ignored since years. And believe me. That direct apps for Minecraft as example are unusable if you really want start a serious server.
I Realy don't know who uses that stupid limited apps and why that apps aren't a problem to be there instead of implementing 1 panel that can handle a massiv bunch of game servers at once. Makes no sense to me.
@robi So your solution is that I work freely for a very expensive cloudron and get as only benefit for investing my time that I can pay for cloudron to use it from that point on.
sry but i don't invest time & money in such things if the money part is not a point I can invest a bit time I think but time & money is beyond any discussion.
I work a lot and have kids, house and so on I have spare time to spend on my onlineprojects. And so far yunohost does a great job the only downside is that I found cloudron a bit more convenient in some points of administration but that's no worth 30 a month to invest huge amount of time for doing their job and pay money on top.
I think cloudron can reach a massiv new audience of users if they implement an app like pufferpanel. Ptero is a bit better but if that's not possible as I read than pufferpanel is the way to go to achieve the gamehostercommunity as users.
@Sidias You don't seem to realize that this is a 1-time investment of time or money (if you have someone else do it, since you're averse).
Once an App is packaged, it is then forevermore maintained and updated by the Cloudron team. Not the initial packager.
@Sidias You don't seem to realize that this is a 1-time investment of time or money (if you have someone else do it, since you're averse).
Once an App is packaged, it is then forevermore maintained and updated by the Cloudron team. Not the initial packager.
@robi you mean they are actually work for the huge amount of money they get? Wow. But in fact they have lesser apps than most suites that are not completely overprized. I want to discus that cloudron really need something like pufferpanel to get a huge userbase and all you say is uh wow they maintain their apps and they have minecraft as app and such stuff.. thats not the point i dont care. because it cost that much they have to maintain otherwise i dont know for what they get paid XD.
if i had a product i push it to be as good as possible but a large amount of questions abount any gamepanel get ignored because nobody of the community made their job? Is that what you want to say to me? Really?
thats a shame.
im out now. its only a waste of time i think.
It seems there is just a mismatch of use-cases. Even though I don't play minecraft personally anymore, I understand that for customized and larger community servers, the app packages we have are likely not suitable. The ones which are there seem to find enough users who probably don't have such high demands for that game.
As with many use-cases, Cloudron does not focus on the highly scalable and customizable use-cases, as that would make it impossible to maintain the app catalogue in an updated fashion and config options we have to provide, would likely explode. From what I have gathered from this thread, it seems to me that maybe a basic standalone linux vps with only puffer panel installed would be the most suitable, but I don't really now very much about that app in the first place.
It seems there is just a mismatch of use-cases. Even though I don't play minecraft personally anymore, I understand that for customized and larger community servers, the app packages we have are likely not suitable. The ones which are there seem to find enough users who probably don't have such high demands for that game.
As with many use-cases, Cloudron does not focus on the highly scalable and customizable use-cases, as that would make it impossible to maintain the app catalogue in an updated fashion and config options we have to provide, would likely explode. From what I have gathered from this thread, it seems to me that maybe a basic standalone linux vps with only puffer panel installed would be the most suitable, but I don't really now very much about that app in the first place.
@nebulon But than why not simply bring up pufferpanel and kick off that stupid standalone-gameserverapps?
1 App that can handle a lot is way better than many gameserverapps that arent good.
If you really think vps is good for gameservers... in first play they are gameservers and they comsume a lot of power so its more suitable to give them all the power possible.
and if cloudron has a larger userbase you can get more money and more money means more people and so on. but let the project behind his real possibilitys dont bring stuff up. ^^