Hi @fisi
there are actually no real plans to support joomla as such. I have talked to one of the devs some time ago and give how Cloudron treats apps it is likely better to run joomla simply within the lamp app. Joomla as such is more like a framework rather than an app to that point.
Of course if some joomla experts have better ideas how to maybe still create a sensible app package for Cloudron, where updates/restores can be safe, I am happy to do that.
Johannes@nebulon the appeal of officially supporting joomla on its own like wordpress is the 1 click install and straight to the web gui to setup. this is beneficial to those who arent comfortable with apache. (if you were looking for a reason) but with that said, how is wordpress configured? id imagine its very similar.
Hallo Cloudron Team,
Joomla war schon öfters als APP gewünscht. Ist Joomla mittlerweile in Planung? Wie ist der Stand dazu?
FisiiHallo Cloudron Team,
Joomla war schon öfters als APP gewünscht. Ist Joomla mittlerweile in Planung? Wie ist der Stand dazu?
FisiiPersonally, I'd have no problem if this is added to CR even though this is far less popular than Wordpress and even Ghost nowadays, however this installs on LAMP in a snap.
For Cloudron packaging's sake there's a docker version available. is that much less popular?
I'd played with this more than 12 year ago it was called Mambo, way before WP even existed (was still B2 at the time) and even though it is extremely powerful, it is quite sh.tty on the flexibility side and much more confusing and complicated to build a site easily with well managed content, for the average non technical user.
Moreover, while there's a lot of demand for WP framework and stuff that goes with it, besides the few sites I've built with it, I've personally never had any demand for a site with Joomla based framework.
Since I was highly interested in running Joomla as Clouron App, I deciced to have a deeper look on it
A.t.m. I will not continue to build that app.For Joomla 4.x a plugin is available doing that job too.
But group mapping for multiple groups is not available in the free version.
Premium version seems costlyto me.LDAP auth and group mapping available is imho an essential feature for a proper Cloudron-App
Since I was highly interested in running Joomla as Clouron App, I deciced to have a deeper look on it
A.t.m. I will not continue to build that app.For Joomla 4.x a plugin is available doing that job too.
But group mapping for multiple groups is not available in the free version.
Premium version seems costlyto me.LDAP auth and group mapping available is imho an essential feature for a proper Cloudron-App
LDAP auth and group mapping available is imho an essential feature for a proper Cloudron-App
LDAP group mapping is a relatively new feature on Cloudron which I think very few apps are currently able to take advantage of. And going forward Cloudron is moving towards OIDC over LDAP and I don't know if group mapping is even at thing with OIDC? (edit: a very quick search would seem to imply it is a thing, cool).
Hi @fisi
there are actually no real plans to support joomla as such. I have talked to one of the devs some time ago and give how Cloudron treats apps it is likely better to run joomla simply within the lamp app. Joomla as such is more like a framework rather than an app to that point.
Of course if some joomla experts have better ideas how to maybe still create a sensible app package for Cloudron, where updates/restores can be safe, I am happy to do that.
Johannesthere are actually no real plans to support joomla as such. I have talked to one of the devs some time ago and give how Cloudron treats apps it is likely better to run joomla simply within the lamp app. Joomla as such is more like a framework rather than an app to that point.
Does anyone know if this has changed? We still think of Joomla more as a "starting point" template to be put in a LAMP app. Then, you edit files and go crazy.
Well.. I couldn't resist any more:
Joomla 4.3 with PHP 8.1 is available for Cloudron (but not via the App-Store)Sources:
Instructions: clone - build - install - follow Post-Installation steps!Notes:
- no LDAP
- no integration tests available atm
- using redis for caching and session handling
- plenty of space for improvements/ideas/critique
- no automatic updates of the Joomla Core System or extensions
There's a typo here
@ IMAGE=yourRegsitryHere/joomla-coudronapp:$(date +%N)An L is missing should be joomla-cloudronapp CLOUD instead of COUD