Self hosted hardware upgrade
Awesome, I edited fstab to reflect the new UUID of the VFAT partition.. and that error is gone. I also manage to install the new ethernet driver so my new cloudron is getting an IP from DHCP..
Next how do I login ? If I use the new IP from a browser I get...
"You are seeing this page because the DNS record of is set to this server's IP but Cloudron has no app configured for this domain."I just want to make sure its working as due to needing the old server runnining again, the image on the new server is missing the latest emails, etc.
Awesome, I edited fstab to reflect the new UUID of the VFAT partition.. and that error is gone. I also manage to install the new ethernet driver so my new cloudron is getting an IP from DHCP..
Next how do I login ? If I use the new IP from a browser I get...
"You are seeing this page because the DNS record of is set to this server's IP but Cloudron has no app configured for this domain."I just want to make sure its working as due to needing the old server runnining again, the image on the new server is missing the latest emails, etc.
@AartJansen Cloudron is already installed and setup it seems. You have to use to access the dashboard (and not the IP). Accessing by IP is only valid during setup time.
ok, thanks for that, I'll stop trying to run more checks, and just fire it up, do a restore. See what happens.
Yeah thats a horrible failure then, its main page is working, but most of my 12 apps are "not responding" and there doesn't seem to be a way to do a restore of my (everything, but especially mail ) data ?
What‘s in the logs?
Are services running?
How long have you given the services time to come up? -
Task Error
If a configuration, update, restore or backup action resulted in an error, you can retry the task.
An error occurred during the resize operation: Addons Error: Network error setting up mysql: connect ECONNREFUSED
Thats for roundcube
I found postgresql doing this...
Oct 12 18:45:13Resetting root password
Oct 12 18:45:20Detected existing installation
Oct 12 18:45:20Resetting root password -
Your services overview? All green?
Nah, a few things like sql to be working..
Ok, your database services are not running - what's in the logs there?
girish sorted it remotely. there was some corruption. needed to restore from backup. Glad to have the support subscription.
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