Cannot upload GCP service account key to restore app
Hello all,
I am experiencing some issues with restoring a specific backup of an app (RocketChat) through GCP. The service account key (JSON file) cannot be uploaded.
When I'm inside the RocketChat configuration page (in the "Backups" section) and attempt to import an external backup using GCP, the file input field for the Service Account Key does not seem to respond. The field does not update itself with the JSON file name or any text whatsoever, and no errors appear in the console or through a popup message.
What is odd is that the configuration of the backup strategy worked perfectly fine. I could set the GCP bucket and import the service account key file. Everything went well, and all apps and Cloudron configurations were created in the specified bucket.
I am currently running Cloudron v.7.6.2 inside a VM.
PS: Restoring the content of the app is necessary due to an "error: invalid environment block" that showed up in the VM.
Hello all,
I am experiencing some issues with restoring a specific backup of an app (RocketChat) through GCP. The service account key (JSON file) cannot be uploaded.
When I'm inside the RocketChat configuration page (in the "Backups" section) and attempt to import an external backup using GCP, the file input field for the Service Account Key does not seem to respond. The field does not update itself with the JSON file name or any text whatsoever, and no errors appear in the console or through a popup message.
What is odd is that the configuration of the backup strategy worked perfectly fine. I could set the GCP bucket and import the service account key file. Everything went well, and all apps and Cloudron configurations were created in the specified bucket.
I am currently running Cloudron v.7.6.2 inside a VM.
PS: Restoring the content of the app is necessary due to an "error: invalid environment block" that showed up in the VM.
@Fairy this could be a bug in our Import UI, let me test and get back.
As a workaround till we fix:
- Download the backup from GCP directly
- Upload it to somewhere in your server , say at /tmp
- Then, in import UI, choose Filesystem and give /tmp/app_xxx.tar.gz
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