Cannot login to
Created account, could not login, reset password 3 or 4 times, set and de selected 2FA.
Not sure what else I could try... Your assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Trying to log into
I can log into the site, ( ) then it tells me I do not have any apps yet and to "get some".
I go to the site:
Login to
"This account is used to access the App Store and manage your subscription"
But it keeps saying the password is wrong.
I will also try and email or )
Thank you.
What are you trying to do? Manage your subscription or login to your dashboard? The later is at your domain.
For the former, email support@ with what you need.
Hmmm... I think it just let me in...
very weird. re installed like 5 times...
will test, thank you!
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