A list of Cloudron-like services/ competitors
Please add Restack.
@jagan said in A list of Cloudron-like services/ competitors:
Please add Restack.
Wow, this is expensive…. Chatwoot alone is 40$ / month. Not many apps (most „coming soon“). And I don’t see an email stack, backup routines, or something like that…?
Installatron ?
Here's 2 websites that lists Cloudron like services even if most of them are already included here.
I preferred not to post direct links because I wanted the list to be up-to-date
This felt relevant here in this thread too:
@djxx said in From NethServer to Cloudron:
I wrote a blog post to share my journey of migrating my self-hosted NethServer to Cloudron. Overall I've been quite happy with the experience and wanted to share it here in case anyone else is considering the same thing, or if I might be able to answer questions for people experiencing some of the same pains during migrations.
If at least one poor soul considering the move from NethServer to Cloudron finds this post and it helps them, it'll make me happy.
As they note, most other Cloudron-like solutions don't include a full email server and/ or don't have as many good apps packaged.