Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image
It would be great if more hosting companies supported Cloudron as a 1-Click deployment.
If we suggest to a hosting company that they consider supporting Cloudron, where should we point them to show what they would need (and not need) to do and how easy it would be for them to accomplish this and help their customers? -
@LoudLemur maybe they can be pointed to https://docs.cloudron.io/installation/ showing the existing Marketplace images . They can contact us support@cloudron.io for help in creating images. It's actually very easy to create an image itself, usually takes 30 minutes max.
It would be great if more hosting companies supported Cloudron as a 1-Click deployment.
If we suggest to a hosting company that they consider supporting Cloudron, where should we point them to show what they would need (and not need) to do and how easy it would be for them to accomplish this and help their customers?@LoudLemur said in Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image:
It would be great if more hosting companies supported Cloudron as a 1-Click deployment.
If we suggest to a hosting company that they consider supporting Cloudron, where should we point them to show what they would need (and not need) to do and how easy it would be for them to accomplish this and help their customers?Maybe I'd beg to differ on this idea. I mean, you can do whatever you like of course but I think calling "hosting companies" to support Cloudron would be useless and a waste of time.
Maybe, it depends on what you mean by "hosting companies" are you referring to CLOUD PROVIDERS or really "hosting companies"? There's a BIG difference, at least in my book, hosting companies for me are those mainly selling SHARED cPanel and the like hosting accounts and quite frankly, imho, based on my experience in the hosting industry for more than 20 years and the power and conception of Cloudron, ANYONE who can run an instance CAN BE a "hosting company" lol and even a "managed services provider", and much more.
So, in a sense, you would approach them with a product totally competing cPanel and Softash!tus and the like, as well, so then in such case the approach would be based on offering them a MUCH more robust and reliable and fast platform than "WebHost(clog)Manager" and -clogPanel-
Of course, if you were referring to Cloud Infrastructure Providers, than is another story and the approach should then be based on a B2B account marketing consulting type, which requires implementation of a specific customer journey path funnel.
Are you planning on marketing selling Cloudron? -
@LoudLemur said in Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image:
It would be great if more hosting companies supported Cloudron as a 1-Click deployment.
If we suggest to a hosting company that they consider supporting Cloudron, where should we point them to show what they would need (and not need) to do and how easy it would be for them to accomplish this and help their customers?Maybe I'd beg to differ on this idea. I mean, you can do whatever you like of course but I think calling "hosting companies" to support Cloudron would be useless and a waste of time.
Maybe, it depends on what you mean by "hosting companies" are you referring to CLOUD PROVIDERS or really "hosting companies"? There's a BIG difference, at least in my book, hosting companies for me are those mainly selling SHARED cPanel and the like hosting accounts and quite frankly, imho, based on my experience in the hosting industry for more than 20 years and the power and conception of Cloudron, ANYONE who can run an instance CAN BE a "hosting company" lol and even a "managed services provider", and much more.
So, in a sense, you would approach them with a product totally competing cPanel and Softash!tus and the like, as well, so then in such case the approach would be based on offering them a MUCH more robust and reliable and fast platform than "WebHost(clog)Manager" and -clogPanel-
Of course, if you were referring to Cloud Infrastructure Providers, than is another story and the approach should then be based on a B2B account marketing consulting type, which requires implementation of a specific customer journey path funnel.
Are you planning on marketing selling Cloudron?@micmc I guess @LoudLemur primarily means VPS providers, just to make it even easier for people to get started with Cloudron than it already is.
@micmc I guess @LoudLemur primarily means VPS providers, just to make it even easier for people to get started with Cloudron than it already is.
@jdaviescoates said in Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image:
@micmc I guess @LoudLemur primarily means VPS providers, just to make it even easier for people to get started with Cloudron than it already is.
Yes, this is what I had in mind.
I love Cloudron and want to help it be more successful by helping more people. I think that if more VPS companies offered Cloudron as one of their supported starting points, that would help.
@jdaviescoates said in Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image:
@micmc I guess @LoudLemur primarily means VPS providers, just to make it even easier for people to get started with Cloudron than it already is.
Yes, this is what I had in mind.
I love Cloudron and want to help it be more successful by helping more people. I think that if more VPS companies offered Cloudron as one of their supported starting points, that would help.
@LoudLemur said in Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image:
@jdaviescoates said in Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image:
@micmc I guess @LoudLemur primarily means VPS providers, just to make it even easier for people to get started with Cloudron than it already is.
Yes, this is what I had in mind.
I love Cloudron and want to help it be more successful by helping more people. I think that if more VPS companies offered Cloudron as one of their supported starting points, that would help.
Yes sir, VPS providers indeed is a good target market and that would enter into the B2B account business model.
I did not really think you wanted to reach shared hosting providers, I would have been startled quite frankly lol, nevertheless I wanted to profit on the topic to clarify things for the general often silent readers.
We have the same idea about Cloudron and how it can amazingly help a LOT of people to make thing quite much easier and cost-effective, while much more secure and private, than the 'old' ways.
Moreover, since I discovered it, I firmly believe this beast could seriously DISRUPT, if not revolutionize, the hosting industry with proper marketing plan.
So, indeed I'd too like to share it with the world, at least with as much people as possible, and I have a LOT of ideas. I'm an IT developer and marketing dude for almost 30 years.
I've proposed things for an approach to selling to the masses over the couple of last years. However, some personal issues had held me back from putting stronger emphasis on those ideas. Now, I'm back to normal track.
Maybe @girish fears that it grows too big too fast with this approach.
I don't know, but he's for sure not against growth, so this is something that should and could be balanced. If needed, with the right planning.
One thing I'm SURE about is that, it is certainly NOT by only placing images of Cloudron at VPS provider's catalogs that you will push, make popular, should I say put in hands of end users, this fabulous product. A few, of few more here and there of course, on a pace...
Anyway, my approach is a complete system, addressed to a specific target market. One of the modules, ships with a complete Cloudron Training Curriculum. Not only for technical aspects of the box but, but also a full practical use training to using the tools available in the box (btw I'm building this on Moodle), in different cases study and scenarios.
Will also offer special classes to at least 5 different business opportunities, that can be built and run with Cloudron starting on a VPS (indeed). Will also provide more advanced training in Digital Marketing Automation with Mautic, N8N, WordPress and Cal.com, Chatwoot and TypeBot (and more to come).
If you, or anyone of the old guard here, would be interested to contribute in any way just PM me, and it's good to anyone interested. I'm also thinking of offering co-branding licenses for the training material, but will also offer totally open source training as well
Can i get a list of vps providers where Coudron is already available as working with a client and he is looking for some basic solutions and Coudron is a good base
Can i get a list of vps providers where Coudron is already available as working with a client and he is looking for some basic solutions and Coudron is a good base
Can i get a list of vps providers where Coudron is already available as working with a client and he is looking for some basic solutions and Coudron is a good base
@DualOSWinWiz said in Encouraging Hosting Companies to Support Cloudron as an Image:
Can i get a list of vps providers where Coudron is already available as working with a client and he is looking for some basic solutions and Coudron is a good base
Personally I think it would be a mistake to chose VPS based solely on the fact that it has a one-click install of something that can be installed by copy/ pasting 3 lines of code anyway