SMTP sparkpost issue.
cloudron is sending test mail. i recieve it in my mailbox.but on mastodon part. to send password reset. i dont recieve the mail.
is this also dns issue?
@masudomarzai most likely, mastodon not sending mail is not a DNS issue. Do you see anything in mastodon logs?
pic one nr one
this is the log, when i just click on the send mail for password reset
to make sure. i also got this notification. if this has to do something with the issue.
pic one nr one
this is the log, when i just click on the send mail for password reset
@masudomarzai do you have any logs/diagnostics from sparkpost side? You can also see Cloudron mail server logs at Mail -> Logs . Do you see any activity there?
sparkpost has verfied the domain
this is the mail log
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events on the sparkpost side
if you wish View Details > pleas let me know i will post
@girish had you time to see it?
@masudomarzai are you using Mastodon with Cloudron user management ? If so, password reset won't be sent because password has to reset via Cloudron dashboard.
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my apologies. its deleted.
Big thanks @girish