This was posted by some on chat yesterday (
- install an empty LAMP stack
- download and extract SuiteCRM from (upload either via sftp or wget and unzip in terminal) in /app/data/public
- depending on how you got the files there, you need to do a "chown -R www-data:www-data /app/data/public" so it is able to write the config files
- get environment variables in terminal with env | grep MYSQL_ and install SuiteCRM as you usually would
- login with the newly created admin account and go to Admin -> Password Management, select" Enable LDAP Authentication" and enter at least the following information:
- Server:
- Port: 3002
- User DN: ou=users,dc=cloudron
- Bind Attribute: dn
- Login-Attribute: username
- give it a try if it's working, if it does, do a vi /app/data/public/config.php and replace the static db infos with the environment variables like so:
array (
'db_host_name' => getenv("MYSQL_HOST"),
'db_host_instance' => 'SQLEXPRESS',
'db_user_name' => getenv("MYSQL_USERNAME"),
'db_password' => getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD"),
'db_name' => getenv("MYSQL_DATABASE"),
'db_type' => 'mysql',
'db_port' => getenv("MYSQL_PORT"),
'db_manager' => 'MysqliManager',
), - save and see if everything is still working
(Matthias also said) Ah yes, that was me. Additional note: If you migrate an existing installation, make sure to enable LDAP login on every user (in advanced settings) and of course check "Auto Create Users" in password settings, that should get you going.
SuiteCRM - Wikipedia Source Self-Hosted SuiteCRM Alternatives -
Anyone made any progress packaging this up?
Yes, @doodlemania2 is in decent shape. Still requires some finishing touches ( You can test it out! -
Yes, @doodlemania2 is in decent shape. Still requires some finishing touches ( You can test it out! -
Thanks Girish. take your time.
Any more thoughts on this?
I'm looking at the Mautic integrations and this is the only reasonable FOSS options I can see (SugarCRM integrations should work as that's what it used to be).
Or any other CRM recommendations welcome. Maybe Odoo or ERPNext would cover this need?
EspoCRM seems to have a big leap in costs for some of the paid features, which might be a bit much for some users.
Last we tried it, SugarCRM is a real pain to package
The module system does not like symlinks and thus makes it tricky to upgrade. That said, we will do whatever is required on platform side to get popular apps...
@girish Fair enough. Last time I tested it, it was SugarCRM and it was pretty flexible because the admin made almost everything customisable — but I haven't tested since, so couldn't say if it's "the best" FOSS CRM. I think it will work well enough for most though, and does have that long history so a few other apps do offer integration with it.
Although, every popular app you have is another community of users that are self-hosting that app that will then find the advantages of Cloudron consolidation and standardisation of dev-ops & sys admin.
C chris referenced this topic on
C chris referenced this topic on
C chris referenced this topic on
C chris referenced this topic on
C chris referenced this topic on
This was posted by some on chat yesterday (
- install an empty LAMP stack
- download and extract SuiteCRM from (upload either via sftp or wget and unzip in terminal) in /app/data/public
- depending on how you got the files there, you need to do a "chown -R www-data:www-data /app/data/public" so it is able to write the config files
- get environment variables in terminal with env | grep MYSQL_ and install SuiteCRM as you usually would
- login with the newly created admin account and go to Admin -> Password Management, select" Enable LDAP Authentication" and enter at least the following information:
- Server:
- Port: 3002
- User DN: ou=users,dc=cloudron
- Bind Attribute: dn
- Login-Attribute: username
- give it a try if it's working, if it does, do a vi /app/data/public/config.php and replace the static db infos with the environment variables like so:
array (
'db_host_name' => getenv("MYSQL_HOST"),
'db_host_instance' => 'SQLEXPRESS',
'db_user_name' => getenv("MYSQL_USERNAME"),
'db_password' => getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD"),
'db_name' => getenv("MYSQL_DATABASE"),
'db_type' => 'mysql',
'db_port' => getenv("MYSQL_PORT"),
'db_manager' => 'MysqliManager',
), - save and see if everything is still working
@girish I'm trying to set up LDAP with SuiteCRM in a LAMP stack here but can't get it to work somehow. Are you still using this setup?
@girish I'm trying to set up LDAP with SuiteCRM in a LAMP stack here but can't get it to work somehow. Are you still using this setup?
@andreasdueren I haven't tried this in ages (since I posted it). What error are you getting ?
@girish Unfortunately it doesn’t have a test button and won’t show me log data so I’m just opening a new inkognito window to try out the login and I can’t really troubleshoot.
I’m probably entering some incorrect setup information but I don’t know which one…