Cannot connect to Cloudron dashboard but troubleshooting OK (??!!)
After two weeks of non utilization I've try but failed to access to my Cloudron dashboard as usual. When connecting to I get the error message "This app is currently not responding. Please try refreshing the page in a few minutes."
I've SSH the server and ran the test mentioned on Cloudron support page (sudo cloudron-support --troubleshoot ) and everything looks fine.
What shall I do from now ?
Thank you for you advices
Best wishes
@osobo Strange. Usually, you get that message only for apps. The dashboard shows "Cloudron is offline, reconnecting". Can you double confirm if you are connecting to an app or the dashboard?
G girish marked this topic as a question on
@osobo Strange. Usually, you get that message only for apps. The dashboard shows "Cloudron is offline, reconnecting". Can you double confirm if you are connecting to an app or the dashboard?
Hello @girish I'm trying to connect to the dashboard. FYI I've ran a diagnostic. Here is the log . I've also received some alert regarding Let'sEncrypt domain certificates about to expire on Feb 21st. Is there a connexion ? I don't recall having install them. How can I renew them ? Thanks for your support.
@osobo the issue is
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.
. It seems you have installed postfix or some other mail server on Cloudron. You have to uninstall/disable it and thensystemctl restart box
You can run
lsof -i tcp:25
to see the process which is binding to port 25. -
Deleted sendmail. Now the lsof-i tcp:25 command returns the following :
docker-pr 4013 root 4u IPv4 26282 0t0 TCP *:smtp (LISTEN)
docker-pr 4025 root 4u IPv6 26315 0t0 TCP *:smtp (LISTEN)@osobo not 100% sure but that is probably the mail container of cloudron . Is the dashboard up now after restarting the box code? Otherwise, please run the troubleshoot again and post a link.
@osobo not 100% sure but that is probably the mail container of cloudron . Is the dashboard up now after restarting the box code? Otherwise, please run the troubleshoot again and post a link.
G girish has marked this topic as solved on