Moodle Open Source Learning Platform
you should see more something like this from WP:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 www-data www-data 23 Sep 13 16:42 wp-config.php -> /app/data/wp-config.php
To do this you can do:
from /app/codemv config.php /app/data/moodledata
ln -s /app/data/moodledata/config.php /app/code/config.php
Fixed the read only issues. We're back to good ol' ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue. I imagine its an http -> https -> http -> ... issue. Whatever it is its definitely at the reverse proxy level.
Anyways @girish I have a MR when you have time.
@girish This ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue has me stumped. Tried a few things tonight with no luck. Any ideas?
@atrilahiji Merged your MR and fixed the redirect issue as well.
Do you use or need LDAP in your setup? If not, we can leave LDAP integration for some future release. SMTP still needs to be automated though.
@atrilahiji What you can do is basically setup SMTP and then look into the database entries. gives some hints on how to update it. So, we can just put some sql commands in the .
@girish Done. Merge Request is up:
Excited to get this up!
@girish said in Moodle Open Source Learning Platform:
Do you use or need LDAP in your setup?
LDAP integration is a key USP of Cloudron so hopefully this'll come soon too!
Especially as Moodle now integrates nicely with Nextcloud 20!
Moodle courses showing up in searchSee: -
@jdaviescoates Iβll see what I can figure out. Perhaps itβs done the same way I added SMTP.
@atrilahiji Merged! Awesome stuff, didn't know about cfg.php. I made a change after merging your change which is to setup credentials on all startup and not just the first time. We do this because let's say you clone the app or move it to another server etc, then the SMTP credentials will change.
I have pushed moodle in unstable now and will mark this thread as solved.
Let's take up bugs/issues in a the new Moodle app category -
Again, thanks a lot @atrilahiji !
@atrilahiji @girish +1
Great work @atrilahiji & co.