Kavita - Package Updates
- Update Kavita to 0.8.0
- Full changelog
- IMPORTANT: Once you update to this release there are manually steps needed! You MUST perform a forced library scan on all libraries to migrate properly to the new foundation. Failure to do so may result in data loss.
- Comic Overhaul
- Collection Overhaul
- Added: Added a new library type aimed at Light Novels. This will use card list layout by default (overriding user preferences) and is eligible for Kavita+ metadata/scrobbling. The regular book library no longer is Kavita+ eligible.
- Added: Added a label on Library settings modal to help admins know which libraries are eligible for Kavita+ scrobbling/metadata pull.
- Added: (Kavita+) Implemented a background prefetch task that will slowly refresh series from Kavita+ (reviews, recs, ratings).
- Added: (Kavita+) Kavita will now prefetch data from Kavita+ on new series. This and the prefetch background task is limited to 50 series per 12 hours. Loading on-demand will still work as normal and is not restricted.
- Added: Chapters now sort by SortOrder. SortOrder is generated from chapter number, but can be overridden (in a future update). This allows for custom sorting for issues that aren't purely numerical. SortOrder will handle cases like 19, 19.HU, 19.BD, 20 without any user intervention.
- Added: You can now have Chapter 0, -1, etc.
- Update Kavita to 0.8.1
- Full changelog
- Added: Added SortOrderLocked field for upcoming ability to set it in the UI, allowing customization of sort order on Series Detail page
- Changed: Changed how often the 1 version out of date check occurs to be every 4-6 hours instead of 1-2 hours.
- Changed: Allow jumpbar to function on pages as long as there is no custom sort
- Changed: When refusing OPDS download due to lack of role, use 403 Forbid.