Reason for backup failure?
Just a regularly scheduled backup @ 11pm. No user activity at the time. Backs up to a NAS, which I think was available, and in a normal state.
Apr 08 23:15:39 box:tasks update 4617: {"percent":23.22222222222222,"message":"Uploading backup ("} Apr 08 23:15:49 box:backuptask runBackupUpload: result - {"result":"EBUSY: resource busy or locked, open '/mnt/cloudronbackup/snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a.tar.gz'"} Apr 08 23:15:49 box:shell backup-snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a: /usr/bin/sudo -S -E --close-from=4 /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/backupupload.js snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a tgz {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a","layout":[]} errored BoxError: backup-snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a exited with code 50 signal null Apr 08 23:15:49 box:tasks setCompleted - 4617: {"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, open '/mnt/cloudronbackup/snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a.tar.gz'\n at runBackupUpload (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:165:15)\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async uploadAppSnapshot (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:360:5)\n at async backupAppWithTag (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:382:5)\n at async fullBackup (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:503:29)","name":"BoxError","reason":"External Error","details":{},"message":"EBUSY: resource busy or locked, open '/mnt/cloudronbackup/snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a.tar.gz'"}} Apr 08 23:15:49 box:taskworker Task took 948.822 seconds Apr 08 23:15:49 box:tasks update 4617: {"percent":100,"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, open '/mnt/cloudronbackup/snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a.tar.gz'\n at runBackupUpload (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:165:15)\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async uploadAppSnapshot (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:360:5)\n at async backupAppWithTag (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:382:5)\n at async fullBackup (/home/yellowtent/box/src/backuptask.js:503:29)","name":"BoxError","reason":"External Error","details":{},"message":"EBUSY: resource busy or locked, open '/mnt/cloudronbackup/snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a.tar.gz'"}} [no timestamp] EBUSY: resource busy or locked, open '/mnt/cloudronbackup/snapshot/app_2cceca0a-315e-4206-8471-88425deee58a.tar.gz'
G girish marked this topic as a question on
Just a QNAP NAS, its been working fine for over a year, and has 5TB free space. I did cancel an earlier backup, the same day triggered by manually updating an app.
Failed again, so I have deleted the file it referencing.
EDIT: After deleting the snapshot image, the next backup worked fine again. Problem solved. -
@AartJansen is possibly the same issue. Seems to be some kernel error. Can you try upgrading?
replied to girish on last edited by AartJansen
@girish I saw that thread, its a different problem. One I was also having on another customers site.
That site the backup goes to a windows workstation share.
After the last prompt "server requires a reboot" triggered it. However because of the other threads existence I fixed it by clicking the SEAL encryption box.
FYI That site is on 7.7.2 -
G girish has marked this topic as solved on