Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110]
@girish I'm referring to the app mail settings, not the mailbox. You can find that under:
Manage > Settings > Mail Settings
What if my FS and mailserver aren't on the same server. What app mail settings should I use? The docs don't cover the above settings page; only shows the mailbox set up.
As for the mailboxes, I set up them up as shown in the docs, using SSL and STARTTLS and they're working fine with v8.2.3.
P.S. I noticed my emails from InvoiceNinja went to the spam folder because something was off, but it looks like v8.2.3 fixed that too.
@humptydumpty ah, I am blind sorry, the settings are correct then. Those are autoconfigured by the package. There is no security issue since the connection is entirely internal.
To answer the rest, think of it like this:
Manage > Settings > Mail Settings
- This is auto-configured by the app . I think FS sends this for password reset, invite , system email etc. All this goes internally from app to the internal mail server conection. Cloudron mail server will then deliver the email based on your Mail -> Domain -> Outbound settings (in Cloudron dashboard). This is how the email of all apps is auto-configured. the packaging logic will overwrite/change these values automatically as needed (like if we change how internal stuff works). -
Mailbox - FS can be configured to fetch emails from anywhere (gmail, outlook, etc). In that context, using Cloudron mail is just a special case. This is why we encourage to use the normal Cloudron mail credentials here. The packaging logic does not (and in a general way cannot) touch these values. These credentials won't change since this is how everyone is accessing Cloudron Email.