A cosmetic question
Looking good. Best you can do now is to limit anything rubbing on your face (no hands, shirts, etc.) and keep your body temp "cool". Wash your face with cold water when the itch starts. It looks like you're trimming the beard to keep it all even. If not, doing so will help keep you refreshed too.
beard oil ?
know nothing about it, but seen it for sale, so it must be for something ! -
@luckow It is looking good! I wish I could help. It's been so many years with my beard that I can't remember if I experienced the itching at all when it was "sprouting". But since AI is wiser than me, beard oild seems to be the suggested remedy. Here are some suggestions available in the EU: https://www.perplexity.ai/search/what-are-the-best-beard-oils-a-WZ.FkWizSP2BpCNmbVoi1Q
Quick feedback after a month: men are not willing to talk about cosmetic issues in rooms with topics other than โmen's issuesโ. I don't know why. Maybe because they never learned to find words for their (personal) problems. Most people with beards I've met can't remember the early days. My personal problem with itching still exists. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the razor (and the good old days). But ... let's see what the next month brings
Despite an after shave balm or something like that? For me, slight irritation comes and goes, but a balm like that works.
This may or may not be good news for you @luckow. I started growing out my beard about 4.5 years ago, I also had constant itchiness, and pimples. I started using beard moisturizer, but it didn't seem to make a difference. About 2 years ago I shaved it all off (the combo pic), and started using better beard oil and keeping it clean right from the start, and in the past 2 years it hasn't been itchy at all, nor any skin issues. It felt to me that shaving it all off after years of trying somehow reset everything. So, I'm not suggesting you shave it all off now, but perhaps after you seen it through to a decent length, if that problem continues, you could think of doing it.
The itchiness would start after this stage:
Now, since I'm caring for the chin hair like the hair on my head, no itchiness and no skin issues:
That is impressive hair all around!
@luckow Just wondering if the starting length was 4mm and what you are really saying is that you shaved off your beard and the itching stopped:) FWIW, I have had a beard for longer than I can remember. Occasionally, it itches. Not sure why this happens, but hang in there.
I followed a variation of @scooke's story and trimmed 4mm off my beard. Guess what? The itching suddenly stopped. We'll see in two weeks whether this magic tip has helped.
@luckow I suspect that the ends are rough, and trimming trimmed them so as not to be rough, and thus, not causing itchyness. That is my guess in my own case, that when I let it grow longer without good beard oil that the ends were always rough; trimming didn't help because the beard hair had spent all that time growing rough, too (without good beard oil). Once I started over and used good beard oil, it stayed "healthy" and not rough tipped. So, in addition to your 4mm trim, be sure to keep it clean and use good beard oil (not beard moisturizer). Keep us updated!