Backup: compress mysqldumps
I realized that e.g. the mysqldump for the TT-RSS app in the backup is huge (679 MB in my case). Could you implement some compession in the database dumps like
mysqldump #### | gzip > dump.sql.gz
@necrevistonnezr This can definitely be done. But it's a bit suspicious as to why it is so big. I am also a big TTRSS user. I checked my dump size and it is around 50M. I am wondering if the ttrss app is mis-configured in some way.
If you go to the webterminal of ttrss app and press the mysql button and run this command (from this article):
SELECT table_schema as `Database`, table_name AS `Table`, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB` FROM information_schema.TABLES ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;
@girish I get:
I think that's "normal" if you use one of the fulltext plugins for certain feeds (readability or mercury)....
@necrevistonnezr Thanks, I have opened to investigate.
Many thanks!
- Make reboot required check server side
- Update node to 10.15.1
- Enable gzip compression for large objects
Does that mean SQL dumps are now compressed?
Maybe we could at least introduce an optimization of the databases from time to time. The size of the referenced "ttrss_entries" table went from an insane 1,238 MB (!) to 583 MB after optimization.
The following command, maybe via a button, should to the trick:mysqlcheck -Aos --user=${MYSQL_USERNAME} --password=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} --host=${MYSQL_HOST};