How to increase cron interval in WP-unmanaged app?
Hi all,
The standard cron interval in the (unmanaged)-Wordpress app is 5 minutes, I would like to increase this to 1 minute (I use the unmanaged WP app).
How do I do that as it is not a config item in Cloudron?
Kind regards,
@nebulon Hi Johannes, thanks for your response. In Wordpress itself there are 1 minute cron interval types and plugins are using it. Now some plugins give cron-errors like "there are 5 unfinished cron tasks, is there something wrong with your cron?".
Kind regards,
@girish Today there was an app update to 1.2.2 with description: Make cron granularity 1 second
I was very curious what was changed and I discovered the cron interval is now every 2 minutes. In the app manifest (yes I've found that
) the cron is now:
"schedule": "*/1 * * * *"
This means every other minute (so every 120 seconds). Now I'm very curious what the update description means?
With these 2 minutes I'm already happy, it would be a little bit better to have it every minute: "schedule": "* * * * *"
Kind regards and keep up the good work! I'm already have some production sites in Cloudron and unmanagedWP-app and I'm very very happy with this great product!!
Kind regards,
@imc67 The pattern means every minute. Why do you think it means every 2 minutes?*&locale=en
Also, for code changes, you can always track
@girish Hi, thanks for your response, the result of the "*/1 * * * *" is:
[2019-05-31 09:10:31] - [Cron Request]- 120.29s after the previous one. | Cron called from (?) [2019-05-31 09:08:31] - [Cron Request]- 119.87s after the previous one. | Cron called from (?) [2019-05-31 09:06:31] - [Cron Request]- 120.13s after the previous one. | Cron called from (?) [2019-05-31 09:04:31] - [Cron Request]- 119.92s after the previous one. | Cron called from (?) [2019-05-31 09:02:31] - [Cron Request]- 119.97s after the previous one. | Cron called from (?)
So all almost exactly 120 seconds interval.
As far as I know a 1 minute interval is "* * * * *" (
So it would be really great if this could be implemented
Kind regards,
I just tested the WordPress unmanaged app regarding the currently published cron pattern and I cannot reproduce the 2 minutes interval:
10:44:09 - => Run cron job 10:44:10 - Success: Executed a total of 0 cron events. 10:45:09 - => Run cron job 10:45:10 - Success: Executed a total of 0 cron events. 10:46:09 - => Run cron job 10:46:10 - Success: Executed a total of 0 cron events.
Not sure what the difference between our two deployments are now.