I really want public users of https://files.uniteddiversity.coop/ to have a similar view to the _admin view (but without the ability for them to edit/ upload files), i.e. to see things in columns and to be able to sort by those columns (type, name, size, modified) - is this possible?
That folder listing doesn't look great. I am guessing it came as part of the node module that serves up the files. I will tag @nebulon since he can fix this
Yeah it falls squarely under https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/surfer/issues/8 and I fully agree. The current one is a simple node module feature, so that was just easy to add back then. I will see how to improve that.
@nebulon great, thanks! I'm not too bothered with the style of the icons (although of course nicer ones would be better too), mostly just want people to be able to sort by columns.
I tried to login to that issue tracker to say as much there too but my Cloudron.io login didn't work and when I tried logging in with GitHub I just ended up on a screen asking for a 2 factor code.
Was just using https://files.uniteddiversity.coop/ again and it appears public Surfer folders can now be sorted by columns, thanks @nebulon for sorting!
(assume it was you)
I've one more small request please: breadcrumbs.
E.g. if I browse to https://files.uniteddiversity.coop/Cooperatives/ there appears to be no way to browse back to https://files.uniteddiversity.coop/
Similarly if I go one folder deeper to https://files.uniteddiversity.coop/Cooperatives/Worker_Co-ops/ I can't browse back to https://files.uniteddiversity.coop/Cooperatives/
Would be really nice if Home could be added to /Cooperatives/Worker_Co-ops/ at top left of the page and they could all be actual breadcrumb links.
i.e. Home/Cooperatives/Worker_Co-ops/
Make sense?
Also one additional nice to have: PDF previews, possible?
Many thanks again!
This is solved but I can't see anyway to mark it solved myself.