I’m looking at a project of migrating a phpBB community over to NodeBB. I wonder what it’d take resource-wise.
The usage stats of the current system is vague so the only two data points I have are:
- 300 topic views per minute
- 1000 concurrent users
Keep in mind that phpBB and NodeBB works quite differently, which is why I need assistance in comparing for getting a scope of the future spec needed.
Looking at the 4488 users (though with a huge amount of spam accounts) that this forum has I’m interested in hearing from @girish and @nebulon as well as anyone else having experience with larger NodeBB instances.
Not sure if we have a lot of data points about the resource requirements, however this instance of NodeBB has a memorylimit set from Cloudron side at 1640MB (ram+swap). This high water mark is mostly for forum restarts/rebuilds when plugins update. The regular amount of used ram is between 400MB and 500MB.
Not sure if this helps much though -
thank you guys, very helpful