rsync backup to minio fails
Hi everyone,
I am having a problem when backing up Cloudron to minio with rsync (tarball works fine).The error appears when backing up the largest app (nextcloud) and the backup fails:
2020-04-14T10:00:01.229Z box:tasks 176: {"percent":73.22222222222223,"message":"Retrying (1) copy of e7Ewan49NwDxPVPz9f74uA/dFXMY-E9v9gCHt6WZzS6EA/lUr+h7CFbwq35HHJx4hu1w/A2vmbyuGVq4mUAjCFWZHTQ/AwextL2PBg2b0Ow0DvPTUQ/3yhT8fuirc4QnRpnpR38ww/NRwHwiT-yutX7OUx0kHgbX9Q+uZsVDolAgEyF6xNKhI. Error: XMLParserError: Unexpected close tag\nLine: 5\nColumn: 7\nChar: > 405 (<domain of nextcloud>)"}
rsync backup to Scaleway does work.
Any ideas on why this happens?
Thanks in advance! -
@stantropics Do you see any error/logs on the minio side? Strange that tgz works but not rsync. Can you retry the backup or does it fail the same all the time?
I have reduced the size of my nextcloud (from 6.5 to 3.5GB). rsync backups are working now. I will check if it fails again while nextcloud is growing.
@stantropics One thing worth looking into is (especially, those deleted nextcloud files hang around indefinitely).