What's coming 5.3
@nj Not in this release, but maybe for the next one. I have opened https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/box/-/issues/705
Not a feature for 5.3, but wish to point out that Cloudron does not have even a single e-commerce platform (other than woocommerce on Wordpress, of course).
OTH, we have multiple apps under each category.
Can we get started on Magento and Prestashop please?
Thank you!!
@jagan We are planning to add oxid shortly - https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2571/oxid-esales (the package is mostly read, just finishing it up with the upstream developers).
UI* dashboard improvement - add the root domain as a secondary text (maybe above the icon?) for sub-domain apps. The apps with a root domain show this and its easy to see but for apps in a sub-domain you have to hover over the app card to see which root domain it belongs to, would be an awesome addition!...thanks!
@plusone-nick NodeJS is installed in the LAMP app, you can run the app in the background via run.sh in /app/data.
So in run.sh you can:
cd /app/data/nodejs-app/ npm start & # Or other command to start app (The "&" here runs the app in the background.)
Then in
:RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ http://localhost:3000/$1 [L,P] ProxyPassReverse / http://app.example.com/
Or something like that, this is untested technically and that will redirect the nodejs via apache.
There is also https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/tutorial-nodejs-app which is a template for a custom nodejs app