Does it make sense to include the Kopano Web Meetings plugin with Cloudron's Mattermost?
@marcusquinn I would love to see this. It certainly would make Mattermost more useful. Right now I use Nextcloud talk purely because of the seamless text and video chat. And it’s easier to use for people I talk to than Matrix. I have a hard time convincing people to make that switch lol
I wonder if binaries are available for the plugins
@fbartels Is that this?
I'm thinking similar functionality to the Zoom / Jitsi integrations if that's what you do?
@marcusquinn that plugin was simple 1 to 1 calls directly initiated from the Mattermost ui. For that we leveraged the existing (unfinished) WebRTC integration into Mattermost. Because of this the first version of kwmserver had an api that was compatible to Janus (which was a requirement to the native WebRTC back then).
The page you linked to was/is the explanation how to install our Mattermost packaging ( was the meanwhile replaced page for the plugin). We originally had a partnership with Mattermost, but especially compared to our Groupware pricing Mattermost was too expensive for most of our customers.
Currently there is no direct integration of Meet into Mattermost. We simply have too few customers using Mattermost to warrant the invest ourselves, but there was external interest in doing something, for example at