ActivePieces - nocode alternative to Zapier, Make, n8n etc
An alternative to Zapier. Automate your work for free and without writing code, keep your data on your machine.
For those who might want it:
Activepieces is on Appsumo as a lifetime deal for their hosted cloud version.
Link: The Offer is no longer available.
WOW @marcusquinn very nice find, and the app seems matured enough since they already offer a cloud version service. Note that it's being developped by a few ex-Google co-founders.
And, their primary installation is through simple Docker and Docker Compose, so the step to dockerize the app is already done. That would be a nice addition to Cloudron for sure.
+1 for Activepieces on Cloudron!
AppSumo Tool of the Year 2023
AppSumo Tool of the Year 2023
@marcusquinn hey I know that guy! Thanks for sharing.
@marcusquinn hey I know that guy! Thanks for sharing.
@Dave-Swift Great work! Just spotted your Cloudron vid, will give that a watch, too...
@Dave-Swift Great work! Just spotted your Cloudron vid, will give that a watch, too...
@marcusquinn I was just learning about Cloudron when I made this video, and really didn't highlight some of its best features.
I will revisit sometime in 2024 with a better video.
@marcusquinn I was just learning about Cloudron when I made this video, and really didn't highlight some of its best features.
I will revisit sometime in 2024 with a better video.
@Dave-Swift Good stuff.
You can trust the auto-DNS stuff, it's been rock-solid for me.
Also, I recommend for your offsite backups using the tarball option on the config.
Thank you.
Yes, I'm using auto-dns now and it's great!
I'm using B2 for backups. I will look into idrive though.
Does anyone here have any links to a good comparison between Activepieces and n8n?
Or any insights from first-hand experience of both?@shrey fundamentally n8n is positioned as "Workflow automation for technical people" and Activepieces more like Zapier, although not as deep at this point.
Activepieces can get "technical". Just throw in a code piece, but overall it's not as daunting for average users.
n8n has been around longer and has more integrations (750+ vs ~150).
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