Missing icon in the OpenID Connect Provider window
The edit icon appears to be missing when going to the oidc settings. I was able to reproduce this on the public demo instance at https://my.demo.cloudron.io/#/oidc
In my devtools I am seeing the following:
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://my.demo.cloudron.io/3rdparty/js/angular-cookies.min.js.map: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://my.demo.cloudron.io/3rdparty/chart.umd.js.map: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://my.demo.cloudron.io/3rdparty/js/showdown.min.js.map: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://my.demo.cloudron.io/3rdparty/slick.css.map: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON
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